My Bucket List

I will be seventy years in December, I came to USA when I was six. I have wanted to go to Italy to see my birth place and meet some family since I became an adult but, I have never been able to make it happen. In the early years I couldn't afford it, in the latter years I was too busy eating, running a restaurant and getting fatter and fatter. Now I can't fit in the seat, and can barely walk. I have started MFP several times, but could never stick with it for more than a day or two. I have now tracked for ten days and I'm beginning to feel as if there is some hope. I need friends help motivate me to lose 125 lbs. My goal is to lose the weight, get knee surgery and get fit enough to walk from end of my homeland to the other.


  • daynerz
    daynerz Posts: 227 Member
    Thats a wonderful story you shared!
    Claim the power of control, you are the captain of your soul!! Hold yourself accountable for your food intake and you will go far.
    You can eat all the delicious foods that you love, just less of it. Weight loss is simply math,
    calories in vs calories out, even in the absence of exercise.
    <3 My advice, do not drop to low right away, start off at a reasonable deficit of 300 calories under maintenance, this wont hault your progress as it will be continuous, as each week you drop 50-100 calories more to lose....not to aggressive you will not burn out or give up if you choose this perspective... people that go on extreme deficits really stall their metabolism and any small amount of calories causes them to gain weight back almost immediately...
    I got faith in you! All the best!
  • josephinelucy
    josephinelucy Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for the advice,all the thing you said are the things I've doing wrong. I always give up if I can't get it exactly right and I always shoot too high. I will heed your words
  • daynerz
    daynerz Posts: 227 Member
    You are making awesome choices already, being aware and logging, that is really great, way to go.
    Keep shooting high, just live the journey
    slow and steady wins the race
    you have all the power to succeed <3