mental illnesses & losing weight

Hello I'm Emmie :)

Usually people come here to ASK for help. Me? I'm OFFERING help!

My background: I have struggled with a few mental illnesses ever since I was little. When I hit puberty, I gained A LOT of weight & I was only 13 when I got sucked up into anorexic habits & thoughts. I didn't actually get diagnosed with it, but I had symptoms & a mindset of one who has it. Anyways, I lost a lot of weight then decided to start eating again. I was so deprived that I created a binge eating disorder that I feel STRONGLY that I have, but have yet to be diagnosed with. From there on I decided to research healthy ways to exercise & lose weight & how mental disorders can affect your weight loss progress. It's been 6 years & back then I was researching once or twice a week, but for the passed few years I've been researching everyday. I come across so many sites that are helpful & take in as much knowledge as I can.

My future: I plan on going to college to become a therapist.. or some kind of health mentor. I haven't decided, but what I wanna do is help & inspire people to create healthy habits & live a long positive life!

What I do now: I have created a group on here called Losing Weight With A Mental Illness. We have 12 members but only about 4 are active, including myself. What do you do in this group? You post a problem that is relevant, & we comment giving HELPFUL answers, in hopes that your problem can or have more chances of being solved. What do I do on there? I post discussions & announcements to get yall talking & helping each other & I also comment on others' discussions. My goal is to get everyone where they can lose weight & not have the extra stress. By solving problems such as eating too much or having lack of motivation, we can push forward & complete our weight loss journey!

If you want to be added to the group, add me & send me a message why. I will then send an invite to you.


  • carrol2bl
    carrol2bl Posts: 1 Member
    hi Emmie,

    i'm Carrol. i'd like to become (preferably an active, as long as i can find the time!) member of your little group as i also suffer from mental "issues". Ever since being on med for a mental condition, i've been very seriously struggling with my weight (originally putting on 25 kgs in a few months and losing 18 or so to only put most back & then again losing 13 at the beginning of the year to put back on 12 in 3 months!.... Enough is enough, i've now lost 1.4 kgs in 1 week and a day & it's going this way from now on! hence my joining this site this afternoon!....

    the med makes it so tough to lose weigh, but i also have arthrisis, fibromylgia, & chronic fatigue on top of some injuries!!! I'm also badly plagued by insomnia! so sleeping as little & badly as i do, is also not helping at all!.... Hopefully i present enough of a challenge to join your group!!!

    Saying that, i'm going for my 2nd walk of the day (earlier, i've also managed 40 minutes static cycling at the outdoors gym very close to my flat).

    Looking forward to reading your response.
    Carrol :-)
  • thefoodaddict
    thefoodaddict Posts: 93 Member

    click on that link & it'll direct you to where you can join :) if you have problems, just click on the title of the group (in the link) & that'll direct you as well.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    You aren't selling Beachbody, are you?