2.5 stone down

I created a couple of collages tonight. I dont have many photos of me at my biggest as I just avoided having any taken but I did what I could with the few I had. Thought I'd post them here as I can just start to see a change in my face but not so much in my body



  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member

    1. Yes your face looks VERY different! It is more noticeable than the changes to your body but they are there as well and congrats! Quite a transformation already!
    2. You have great hair
    3. I almost got a Lorax tattoo and then the damn movie came out so I didn't :(
  • maoribadger
    maoribadger Posts: 1,837 Member
    Lol thanks. My hair is deadly boring and a purple atm instead of my usual two tone but am planning on rectifying that this month. I lurve Dr seuss, the tats not finished yet it will need background to be full colour but dreaded xmas is looming

    And thankyou for your lovely comments
  • Hailei
    Hailei Posts: 86 Member
    Great job, congrats, amazing how much losing weight changes a face and a body! Keep it up! ^_^