Progress and a bit of competition is a motivater......11lbs off in 3 weeks.

MY fiance and I are doing this together. We are just starting our 4th week and he has lost 15lbs 14oz and I have lost 11lbs 2oz. Tracking your calories, watching your portion sizes, being treat wise and the biggest change we've made is replacing bread with sandwhich thins. We're also being pretty strict during the week but a bit less so at the weekend. Having him do this with me has been great. If you want to add me, we can support each other. Good luck on your new healthier lifestyle x


  • mmgavitt
    mmgavitt Posts: 82 Member
    That's awesome! Congrats on the awesome loss!!! My boyfriend and I are also doing this together too. He's a bit bigger than I and we started a formal competition for who loses more in a month based on percent. Winner gets to pick the movie for date night, we can have some very different choices so it makes it fun.
  • That's great. I've got more to lose than my other half, 2 babies in 4 years and not really bothering about my weight will do it every time. I lost my mum in September to pancreatic cancer and my dad just 17 hours later, he couldn't live without her. I made her a promise that i would get fit and healthy for my boys, a promise i fully intend to keep. Her cancer can be hereditary and being over weight is a risk factor, i'm not going to take any chances x
  • redfisher1974
    redfisher1974 Posts: 614 Member
    Way to go!
  • Thanks x