looking for support and friends

Hi I am Katie. I'm from chicago and MOM to a gorgeous 11 month old daughter. Before i got pregnant i lost 50 lbs. Unfortunately pregnancy and laziness after birth caused me to gain it all back. So far I am back down 22 lbs and working to get back to where i was. The fight is definitely not as easy as it was before having a baby as now i am juggling raising her working full time and trying to manage my eating and exercise. Im looking to connect with anyone who is looking for support and is walking thru this constant struggle. I want to be a healthier person for myself but more importantly my little girl so she has a good example. If your interested in becoming a part of my journey send me a message or request me. Good luck


  • mommyonamission418
  • deladypilot
    deladypilot Posts: 618 Member
    Im with you girl. My kids are grown now but I too have found that between work and household chores I have become lazy in taking care of myself. I just got back on the wagon and im ready to deal with it. The good and the bad.

    I will send you a friend request
  • niqu11
    niqu11 Posts: 84 Member
    Sending you a friend request! I'm about to have my first baby and I'm really intent on not giving up on my fitness as I adjust to motherhood. I know it will be a struggle, especially when I go back to work. I'm here to support you!
  • Letsdothis1984
    Letsdothis1984 Posts: 329 Member
    I'm in the same boat, except my girls are 14 months apart. Having two back to back pregnancies, then a newborn who was up all night made it really hard for me to work out. So now that my youngest is sleeping through the night, I've been getting back on track to try and lose this weight. You can add me!
  • kc_112
    kc_112 Posts: 98 Member
    Sent you a request. I have 3 kiddos and lost my weight about 2 years after my youngest was born - I've put almost 30 pounds back on in about 15 months :(
    all feel free to add me!!
  • mommyonamission418
  • mommyonamission418
    still always looking for new friends send request if interested
  • RonicaWhitehurst
    RonicaWhitehurst Posts: 12 Member
    I'm definitely interested....I need all the support I can get! A year ago around this time I was working out eating healthy and losing weight, I went from 200 to 168, but unfortunately I have gained all my weight back.
  • candiniece32
    I am the heaviest I have been in my life. I'm currently 200lbs and I'm in shock because I weighed less 10yrs ago when I delivered my son. I am looking for friends and motivation to lose this weight. I know it can be done but I need to get started. I would send a request but I don't know how.
  • mommyonamission418
    mommyonamission418 Posts: 46 Member