New Friends and April Goals

This past April I turned 22 and was at my highest weight ever. I had just recently gotten engaged and was on my way to graduating from college. I was happy with so many aspects of my life, getting ready to marry my best friend, finishing my degree from the university I had worked years to get into, and making memories with the best group of people I could imagine…the one thing I was unhappy with was how far I had let my fitness dwindle. I started thinking about what I wanted to change and decided I wanted to get my fitness and nutrition into check. Since starting my fitness journey I have lost 20 lbs (fluctuating a few lbs every now and then), but now I want to kick it into high gear.

I have started lifting weights more and doing less cardio (still some though), and have set a goal to lost at least 30 more pounds by my birthday this year. So that means by April 27th I will be 136 lbs…fingers crossed. It's not my final goal, but it's closer. SO…I am looking for more friends that have similar goals and are active members. More and more my friends are falling into the red zone as far as when they have been active, Now I am far from perfect with logging, but now that I set a goal for myself I am ready to get back on track and have a great logging streak.

Join me on my journey! I would love to make real friends that I can get to know, share recipes with, and encourage and support…let's be friends!!



  • westup23
    westup23 Posts: 9 Member
    If your hitting the weights use light weights if you wanna drop do straight cardio
  • ankdworak
    ankdworak Posts: 336 Member
    Happy to help! Feel free to add me. ankdworak
  • tchell99
    tchell99 Posts: 434 Member
    We are similar in goal, but my timeline is longer. I am about 161 right now and hope to reach 145 around the end of April and 140 by mid-June (slowly upping calories in the last 10 lbs so transition to maintenance will be smoother). Then I will assess to see if I am happy there. Feel free to add me!