SAHM 4/25 - 5/1



  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Hi girls, sorry to have been missing so much, but I see lots of you have been very busy too!

    Welcome new ladies :flowerforyou:

    Pretty awful eating over the weekend, but managed just about with extra exercise to weigh the same yesterday. I am currently struggling to return to normal.

    Has been very stressful the last few days, I'm due back at work in Jan 2012, and childcare here is very hard to come by (well, good childcare is...) Our childminder told me yesterday she has a place form July for DS2 - but the retainer is half fees! So we gave notice at nursery and are moving him there 2 days per week (he was there for one and nursery for one) but I ill have to pay for a third day and not use anything (I work four days per week) No idea how we'll pay for it as I'm not earning at all as of the end of this month :angry: Anyway, the stress is not helping try and get the eating back under control, but I shall keep trying! Its a bit harder cos I can now wear normal clothes again etc but I have to stay focussed on the fact I still want to and need to shift at least another stone.
  • superstah00
    superstah00 Posts: 104 Member
    I am a SAHM also and run a daycare. I have 4 kids ages 10, 6, 4, and 9 mos today :) Um, I don't know what else to say so just wanted to say HI to everyone and please feel free to add me! I LOVE the support I have found on here!!:happy:
  • AngelaLVGJN
    AngelaLVGJN Posts: 39 Member
    Wow - it has been a busy week and it is only Wednesday. With all of the rain we are getting in Ohio, I am waiting for us to wash is making my exercising challenging but I am persevering this week!

    KC - Good luck with the potty training...I really need to get with the program for my 2.5 year old....I just don't know where to start! Any tips?

    LloydMel - I am also an AF Vet - spent 10 years in, got out in Feb 2007. I added you as a friend. My husband is still in. Welcome and good luck!

    Katie M. - Congratulations on 1 year on MFP! An awesome accomplishment. You sound very busy...I love the idea of a marionette! I have never heard of a school making those. I love that you have 7 kids! I am sure they keep you hopping. Hope the 2 yr old stage the next time around is the easiest (your 20 month old).

    Shoppie - Sorry to hear about your challenges with daycare. I'll hope you can find something or someone willing to help out a little more reasonably! Good luck!

    Hope you all have a wonderful rest of your week!

  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Angela-Good luck with the teething.

    Samantha, darrcn, lloydmel, Superstah-Welcome to our group! :flowerforyou:

    KC-good luck with the potty training!! Before I know it, we’ll be starting that with my lil guy.

    Shoppie-Sorry to hear about the daycare, I found a good daycare for my lil guy, he only goes 1-2 days a week, for $18/day which is pretty good. It’s a home daycare, but its good. I know how stressful it can be finding the right daycare and price too.

    Sad news for me, looks like we're going to be here another year :grumble: :frown: :sad: But at the same time, this will get us better prepared and on our feet again, and nothing will stop us. Plus we'll get to move where we want, instead of quickly high tailing it out of here.....

    Off to bed, my daughter is getting tested for allergies in the morning, about 8am….Good night all!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Hey Ladies! Sorry I have been MIA. I decided to set my calories to maintenance while I'm home. It's just to hard and stressful to eat less. LOL So I guess I haven't been around because I'm afraid I'm not very good motivation right now! My mom added a super duper push up cup into the lining of my dress and it fits much better on top now. LOL I miss my boobies, but I like my body better now :)

    Barb ~ Good luck with your daughter's testing tomorrow! Hope all goes well. Sorry about having to stay at the inlaws another year :(

    Welcome Kerry!

    Nicole ~ Wish I could play volleyball, that sounds like so much fun!

    Wildcat ~ hope you can get in to see the hosue and that it isn't snatched up before you can make a decision!

    Angie ~ I was wondering if you were going to come back! LOL Eww, sorry that M isn't wanting to take naps, that's no fun!!

    Welcome Samantha! Congrats on your loss so far!

    Welcome Darr! Eating out is so hard to NOT eat over 1000 cals in one sitting. Try looking for similar recipes on and start cooking a healthier version at home

    KC ~ Good luck PTg!

    Welcome Lloyd, we have a few military (some Air Force too!) :)

    Katie ~ It's so goo dto see you back on the thread!! I miss your positive light :)

    Welcome Superstah!
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    wow Barb, $18 per day for childcare! The cheapest you can get around here is £4.50 per hour, so about $7.20 per hour! The minimum day is usually 10 hours too! All my income (and in fact more) will be going on childcare when I return but my theory is that its short term pain longterm gain as I have a good career and as each child ges older and the costs drop, we will get to keep more of my income.

    KC - good luck with the PTing, its so nice to have it done, its such a relief here to be back at one in nappies!

    Kat - maintenance sounds more achievable while you're away for sure. I really couldn't eat healthily on holiday, so I tend to try and 'not be too awful' *lol*

    While I'm here can anyone explain in simple terms why Obama is having to prove he was born in the US? Irrespective of political opinion, surely someone thought to check when he was running for office, no? I can't help thinking our reporters are confused but there is a big hoo ha about it over here and I can't be bother to sit and listen for hours I just want a potted version!

    Someone was complaining about paying $4 - 4.50 for gas on my FB, so if you're feeling the pinch I can cheer you up by sharing that in the UK we are now paynig around $8 - $8.30 per gallon. Hope you feel better now :laugh:

    I'm still really struggling to get my eating back under control, I am upping my exercise instead. I know what has happned, eating chocolate has reawakened my sugar addiction!

    So excited about the royal wedding tomorrow! We are having a street party and the kids have all made crowns to wear :bigsmile:
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Just a quick note, I haven't fallen off the planet I just realized I haven't posted this weird. I am now of week 4 of EVO it's going well though there have been several mornings it's all I can do to get out of bed. I still go and take the class and usually go back in later in the morning for more cardio. The down side is that leaves me with a lot of exercise calories to eat and I am falling way short of eating them all and at times my net (calories after taking away exercise) is only around 750 so that's not so good. I am trying to exercise a little less and find some higher calorie but still good for me foods to balance things out. Yes this means I am not losing weight, I was around 131.6 now it's back up to 132.8 and that was still with a big deficit of calories. So if you are checking out my diary you will notice that yesterday I was way over in calories and the day before was way under. Hoping to shake things up and get under the 130 mark...ugh!

    I'd better get to the gym before it gets any later, it's cardio day! I'll check in and add more later.
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Angela~Thank you! My little buy is already in that stage. He loves to tell you "NO" to everything that you tell him or ask him. Little stinkpot.:laugh: But I am looking at it differently this time around because he just has his way of getting me to do that.

    Barb~yuck! My hope for you is that you are able to stay out this time. Use that year to get yourself to the point were you will never have to go back to living with them. Plus also good luck because by the sounds of it you are going to need it. :laugh: Also I think you are in need of some (((hugs)))!

    Katie~Even though you are on maintenance we still like to hear from you. You are fun to talk to. By the way thank you, you made my day with that comment.

    Shoppie~Can we say OUCH! Last time I seen gas prices here they were $3.55 gal. So glad that we don't have your prices.:laugh: As far as Obama not sure because honestly I don't listen to the news. It drives me crazy to hear about all the crap going on. I completely agree though that it should have been something that they checked into before when he was running for office.

    So very exhausted today. I took some extra hours yesterday (5 hours extra) so I worked 7 hours. Well stupid me I didn't take anything to eat. Well I ended up eating sugar cookies that were at work and now I am reaping that one. :tongue: Lesson learned take food to eat. I am working 7 hours today and tomorrow. I keep thinking to myself more hours = more bills paid = back to a Full time SAHM faster. Which makes me a very happy woman. Well got to go I want to go read my book for a bit. It's called Real Love in Parenting. Great book you ladies should check it out.
  • AngelaLVGJN
    AngelaLVGJN Posts: 39 Member
    Shoppie - here is my take on the Birth Cert. The media asked for it prior to his election - he would never provide it to the media. His legitimacy was proven before congress, etc. but the media could not get a copy. The issue was dropped when President Obama's ratings were high. Now that there is strong opposition to President Obama, the media is looking for anything to make President Obama look bad in the eyes of the public. Therefore, with all that is going on in our country President Obama decided it was no longer a game to keep the birth cert from the media and provided it in hopes of quieting all of their rumors and accusations. Please note - this is just a guess. I used to be a public relations officer and have worked with the media a lot. I haven't paid a lot of attention lately since I am now a SAHM, but from what I can tell, this is where it all stems from. :smile:

    Katie - Yep I am back...and we all love your inputs:)

    Ok...I don't have much more time this evening as I have to get ready for our camping trip this weekend. Have a great weekend all!

  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    hi girls! got in my exercise today and ate better as a result. yesterday i was way over so i'm catching back up.

    katie, i agree with the others. it's still nice to hear from you even if you are on maintenance. you're showing us how that can be done too!

    shopp-wow, 10 hr minimum? that's a long day. hope the situation is a good match for you. (and hope you get a promotion and more $ soon!) i've been reading up on the wedding....have fun with your street party!


    holly-good luck gettin those #s UP and DOWN. you've put in so much hard work, you're sure to tackle this challenge too.

    not much else to report. later--
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member

    I still haven't found my motivation, I think a lot of it stems from not having the time to workout. But I've been busy shopping and cleaning, so that should count for something :smile: I did my Celebrity Fit Club boot camp with Harvey last night and actually finished the whole thing! Thanks to Stroller Strides, no doubt. I tried doing it a couple months ago and had to skip a lot of moves, but this time I was actually kind of surprised when it ended.

    Anyway, we're sick and tired in this house, but looking forward to R's party on Sunday! Two more days of whirlwind shopping and cleaning and trying to fit in a couple house showings. Next week will be a nice break!
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Thanks Angela - that makes a bit more sense. So did everyone else provide their birth certificates to the media then but not Obama? They missed out that important snippet here!

    wildcat - love your new pic! Good luck with the party on Sun

    stacey - the 10 hr minimum reflects the working day - so you work 9 to 5 and have a commute either side = minimum 8 till 6. Obviously if you are a SAHM you can find other places to take your child for shorter times (usually 5 hours), but they still charge £4.50 per hour and those don't usually offer full days, so you basically have places that cater for working mums and places that cater for SAHMs who just need a break!!

    katie - doh re: the work cookies. You have to be sooo organsied to eat healthily, don't you?!?

    Good luck Will and Kate, excitement levels on our street are now at fever pitch!!!
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    Shoppie - I'm pretty sure no other president has been asked to provide a birth certificate to the media. Some times people that are either extreme right or extreme left spend a lot of time making so much racket that they distract people from the real issues going on. In my opinion it's just noise b/c extreme rights don't want him re-elected and they were trying to put doubt in peoples minds. Just my two cents.

    Ok, my head is SPINNING!! Our fridge died, totally annoying b/c it wasn't even 10 years old. So, I spent hours shopping for one yesterday and I still don't know what I want. Ahhhhhhh, I can't go on without a fridge but the stress of finding one so quickly is exhausting me. The kids had to spend yesterday doing that and getting my tires replaces so, they were little monsters. I don't blame them b/c it was a looooong day but it was just too much. Hoping today is better and I can find a fridge and get it delivered ASAP. We've been eating out for three days and I can't stand it anymore.

    On a happy note, my big man is turning 5 and we are having his party this weekend. Can't wait!! :)
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    Who watched the royal wedding? It was so beautiful and I loved the dress, stunning!! Glad I woke up early to watch, so worth the loss of sleep. :)
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Shoppie-That's the thing, no one else had their information posted by the media. If they did, I missed it. If people would put more energy into solving our problems instead of creating problems we would be so much better off.

    I am recording the Royal Wedding to watch with my oldest daughter later, should be fun. I remember watching Diana and Charles getting married too.

    Wildcat-Finding the motivation is key. My husband has the same issue. He knows he should exercise, feels better when he's done but has no real drive to do it. I on the other hand enjoy doing it and it helps clear my head and gives me time for just me so I NEED it! I hope your family is well soon, it sounds like you have a lot going on.

    Stacey-good for you getting your exercise in. It is interesting how you are more focused on the overall picture when you exercise as well. It tends to make you question your food choices more and helps you make better choices.

    Angie-Have fun camping! Are you tent camping or using a camper? We are talking about going camping in Colorado this summer which should be interesting with all of us.

    Katie-We've been talking about extra jobs in our house too. So hard to find the balance to make all the finances work.

    As for me, I'm doing okay. I finished week 4 of EVO today and I'm so burned out. I wanted to stay in bed this morning. I think I've been working out too hard and the getting up early has worn me down. It's also PMS week, the week before TOM is awful for me. I get really tired and have 1-2 days of severe mood swings. I'll see how things feel next week. BLAH!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Katie-Thanks, this is what we found out about Kelsey’s allergy testing. Her scratch test showed up negative for allergies. But the one test they did on her, showed she could have a positive reaction, so right now she has no allergies, she has what is called, "nonallergic rhinitis". Rhinitis is latin, rhin means nasal and itis means inflammation. Basically, its also called, "irritant rhinitis", which symptoms can look exactly like "allergic rhinitis" but there are no positive skin tests detected. This type of rhinitis is due to extremely sensitive nasal lining that overreacts to many types of irritants. Examples that would set it off would include smoke, dust, strong smells, perfumes, aerosol sprays, and changes in weather conditions (temperature and barometric pressure). A patient's nasal symptoms may be exactly like those of a patient with allergic rhinitis. Only by doing skin testing and proving there are no allergies present can we be sure of this diagnosis. There are no tests available to determine specific triggers for patients with nonallergic rhinitis; some patients notice a difference with certain triggers (ie perfumes) and others don't-but medications are usually effective enough even if specific triggers aren't known.

    Treatment for nonallergic rhinitis may involve nasal antihistamine sprays, decongestants, drying agents, nasal washes, or others.

    So, she has a nasal spray to see how her nose is. The dr said her testings were all negative but her nose was inflamed (swollen) inside.

    Shoppie-WOW!! I won’t complain to you about our gas. $8.00/gallon! That sucks! I thought $4.17 the other day was bad, but wow! And yeah, the $18 is pretty good here, at least in South Bend, Indiana. I use to work at a daycare and I got a discount, but I haven’t been able to get hired into a daycare again, so, for now, what I pay will have to be good enough. And he’s doing so good too! Been there 3 weeks and already comes up and gives me his toys, lol. Such a good boy!

    KatieM-Thanks for the hug and you should see my “list” on my bedroom wall to have completed by this time next year….We WILL be ready to move out and be on our own again. And besides, I have all you ladies who have been so supportive and helped me keeping my spirits up.:flowerforyou: :love: :flowerforyou:

    Stacey-Thanks for the hug, too!

    OMG! Tomorrow my lil man is turning 1!!! :noway: I can’t believe it. We’re having a birthday party on Sunday, so I probably won’t be logging on until that evening. Tomorrow night, my mil has thankfully said she’ll watch the kids for a couple of hours, so hubby and I can go check out Fast Five, since we’ve been so stressed that last couple of weeks, esp with everything going on…sometimes she can be a good person, but most of the time, not so nice.

    Well, that's all for now. I'll check back in later. Have a good day everyone! TGIF!:drinker:
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    hooray hooray hooray! Weren't they just a beautiful couple, I'm so chuffed for them both! :bigsmile: Lots of fun at our street party, the kids had a ball!

    Not interested in your President anymore, he had disappeared off our news anyway for obvious reasons. It still strikes me as mighty suspicious people were questioning where he was born, wouldn't have if he were white would they? Outrageous.

    Barb - wow all the stuff about allergic testing sounds stressful, but I guess the most important thing is that there is an effective treatment Many happy returns to your little man for tomorrow! I always find my kids' birthdays so emotional, I always cry hen we sing happy birthday, though I also try to be subtle about it!! :sad: :laugh:

    Holly - sorry you are having a blah week. I'm not at all surprised you are struggling with the EVO, how long do you have left? You must be sleep-deprived, what time do you usually get to bed?? I have to say I am also a hormonal nightmare just before AF, I usually reallly struggle with eating too - it has got worse with each child so Lord knows what I will be like when my AF returns after this one :sick:
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Shoppie-I have 4 weeks left of EVO. I normally get to bed around 10:30-11:30 so Brett and I have some time together after everyone else is in bed. I have to get up at 5:20 for EVO. It's possible that Brett will go the next 4 weeks instead. It would be good for him to get into a routine for a few weeks and learn some new things, we'll see what happens.
  • Hello all! I'm new here too. And a new SAHM as of Jan this year. I'm 8 mos preggo so I haven't started full force trying to lose weight yet, just getting my mind in gear for post-baby. My biggest question right now is, "Why is there a Papa John's pizza ad at the top of my page?" That's so unfair. :noway: I think I'll go make my lunch salad.
  • moriah87
    moriah87 Posts: 27
    hello :) i'm a stay at home mom, and i'm 23. i work on the weekends though also. anyways, i've been doing MFP for quite a while now. . and i REEEEEALLY need some more friends, and motivation. please add me if you want, and maybe we can try to lose weight together. i really need some more support. ADD ME! :) thanks you guys, Moriah
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