Need to Stay on Track

Hi there! I've struggled with my weight since I was young. I have been working out almost every single day since February 2014 with Jillian Michaels workouts and I have lost 48lbs so far. I had decided enough was enough. I was tired of feeling like crap, not finding clothes that fit and I plan on getting married sometime in the near future. I still have around 50 or so to go.

I've lost the most weight (8lbs) within the last two weeks due to the untimely loss of my father due to complications from by-pass surgery. This was an eye-opening experience to say the least. I never considered my dad fat, but due to his weight, he was not a transplant candidate (your BMI needs to be under 35% in Indiana). He wanted to be cremated and the only coffin he could fit in was made of cloth and fiberboard- not wood like he wanted. Like I said, eye opening.

I've fallen off track with my exercise regimen since the beginning of October when my dad was first admitted to the hospital. I know that if I don't get back on track soon, I'll just let myself lose all of my progress (been there before). I have a few friends on MFP, but they aren't nearly as active as I am on here, so please, I need MOTIVATING friends on here! Please feel free to add me and help me to stay on track!!


  • EmmanuelDiary
    EmmanuelDiary Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Awend 1282,
    If you want to add me as a friend it would be my pleasure, I Will do the same in return.
    I'm new here and started only 2 days ago.
    I wish you a very pleasant day and good luck about your diet.
    Take care. (Please excuse me for my poor english)