Need a safe place to vent



  • jdg1mfp
    jdg1mfp Posts: 103
    Let me say thank you for him, and I'm sure there is one on the way from him.
    We (MEN) may be slow but not stupid.
    He saw a good thing when he met you and I know its not his intention to let it go!

    P.S. Let me get off of this thread before the fellas kick me *kitten* for being a sellout!
    I'm Out!!!!!!!!!
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    Thank you all! Feels good to know that I am not the only one out there! I love my husband very much, would not change him if I could...:love::love: .He fixes everything that breaks and would take on some more things if i pushed I'm sure! When I worked outside of the house he was happy to help me out and did almost all the house work! I didn't want it to be a big fight no I vented! Now I am off to get some more of my house work taken care of, and plan out next weeks shopping :tongue:
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    Let me say thank you for him, and I'm sure there is one on the way from him.
    We (MEN) may be slow but not stupid.
    He saw a good thing when he met you and I know its not his intention to let it go!

    P.S. Let me get off of this thread before the fellas kick me *kitten* for being a sellout!
    I'm Out!!!!!!!!!

    LOL thanks!! He's certainly not stupid, if I know him I should have some little surprise later!!
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    oh girl!!! u tooo??? omg my bf better PRAY i dont see him for a few days bc if i do... he will feel my wrath! its just like u say, the little things, the lil smart *kitten* comments. ugh. im just lucky im not married to mine. lol. i can up and leave whenever i want. hope ur day gets better. while im sad ur feeling this way, its refreshing to know its not just me, everyone seems to be having a day like that. and ur doing WAY better then me. i went to popeyes on lunch. while screaming at him on the phone of course. lol.

    I wouldn't leave him for anything, he is my bet friend but some times I think he should be on the short bus!!
  • Sometimes, everyone forgets to think before they speak. My husband will say something and instead of me eating a pint of ice cream or taking my Mom's cast iron skillet to his head :angry: ; I will give him a kiss when I see him and say, "God blesses and protects fools and babies-":laugh:

    But seriously, it's going to happen. We have good days and bad days~in my opinion, expressing yourself does a world of good and you will not build up resentment, frustration or unwanted belly fat. Tell him how you feel when you've had a moment to relax, relate and release. :happy:
  • daddyratty
    daddyratty Posts: 305 Member
    These are just some suggestions ... not a magic formula:

    Stroke his ego (we're suckers for that). Tell him how much you appreciate how hard he works to provide for the family. Then - several days later - ask to have a conversation with him. You might even tell him a couple days ahead of time that you have some serious things you need to discuss with him "on Thursday" or whatever day you decide, but don't say anything else. It's OK that he freaks out a bit. You will definitely have his attention, and since you'll have done a great job at demonstrating your respect for his role, you can just share some of the things that are frustrating to you.

    Let him know that you know you're only one side of the equation ... maybe ask if there is something you've done that has kept him from helping you around the house (this is pandering a bit, because maybe he just doesn't feel like it's his job). This is unconscionable to me ... I help my wife with all the household chores. She works long hours staying at home with our kiddos. It would be asinine of me to say that I work all day and she doesn't.

    Once you know you're on some common ground, arrange to "trade" some time away. This way you are assured of getting a weekend away sometime.

    Thanks for sharing and best to you.
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    Sounds like now you have vented with us you need to sit down and TALK (not yell) with him.
    The problem is once we start cycles and habits they become the norm and easily taken for granted.
    For example: Do you randomly go to him and say "Thank you for going to work Today".
    Also, let someone else wash the dishes or wash/fold clothes, I know they won't do it exactly right in your eyes but it will never happen if you don't give it a chance.

    Then again what do I know.....I'm one of those MEN

    I do the same thing for my husband, but I've learned to tell him thank you for the things he does do. I also just told him, I need you to appreciate me. I figured out, that while we want them to be...most men are not mind readers. They need to be told the things you need from them. Not that I don't get angry at my hubby from time to time. And kudos to you for venting rather than eating! I always eat when i get ticked!
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    Thanks everyone for the so kind words...he is human, and I am also I do thing s that tick him off. That said he figured out all on his own what he said pissed me off, ran a handful of the errands that I needed done I appreciate that very much. So now we are going to snuggle up and eat some air popped popcorn....
  • VixFit2011
    VixFit2011 Posts: 663 Member
    I don't know if this will sound rude to some but I've heard so many women with stories like this including me and I think men just don't get it. After all their brains are divided in in their head and the other half....well.....I know you know where that one is..LOL!
  • steve4580
    steve4580 Posts: 32
    Bad post, sorry about that.
  • VixFit2011
    VixFit2011 Posts: 663 Member
    It's not hate...believe me....just a sort of joke ....sorry if I offended you. Men are great beings and I have a lot of male friends that are terrific.
  • steve4580
    steve4580 Posts: 32
    Sorry, looking back I obviously over reacted. I must admit I am pretty hungry and grouchy at this moment in time!
  • VixFit2011
    VixFit2011 Posts: 663 Member
    Sorry, looking back I obviously over reacted. I must admit I am pretty hungry and grouchy at this moment in time!

    I was just thinking the same thing! Lots of grumpies lurking around lately and I'm one of them too. it's just got to be a stage of adjusting to the new eating habits. I was grouchy this afternoon but got a little silly this evening. Got up too early and didn't eat properly today. And by the way, when I posted the "joke" it was just stirred up by past memories of an ex that was similar in forgetting to be understanding.
    Have a great week Steve!
  • steve4580
    steve4580 Posts: 32
    Thanks for the kindness and understanding. You have a good one too!
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