The official journey started today

I'm 52 and have just over 100 pounds to go. I've got 3 kids, 2 grandkids and my wife that I'd like to be around for. I always loved camping, hiking and all things outdoors, but I've found myself always staying back and "manning the campsite" when the scouts would hike so that would not be the slow guy all the time. I started a walking program a couple of months ago, but I had my first appointment with the weight management folks and started a food/activity diary today.

My biggest challenge is that I always feel hungry whether I really need food or not - any tips on how to combat that would be greatly appreciated.


  • SlimEsq
    SlimEsq Posts: 45 Member
    My suggestion on the hunger is to drink lots of water and choose foods that have better nutritional value. Depriving yourself won't be sustainable. It may take a couple of weeks to figure out what what works. For me, I have plain yogurt and granola in the afternoon and it seems to keep me satisfied for a while. I also drink A LOT of water to keep something in my stomach. Good luck and remember the reasons you're doing it!
  • Bekkah5215
    Hi there! I have a little under 125 lbs. to lose, and can relate to your feelings about being the "slow" person all of the time... I have 2 kids and work with students who have special needs, and am working toward being able to do more activities with them :)

    I fight against the hunger pangs as well... I've found that eating six small meals (or three regular meals and snacks in between) seems to help a great deal (at least I don't want a midnight snack anymore! ha ha) :)
  • bhethcote
    bhethcote Posts: 5 Member
    @SlimEsq - Thanks for the "LOT of water" reminder. It made me remember that when I've spent the week at Scout Camp and there are only the three meals provided every day, I never seemed hungry. Maybe that was the work of the 8 Nalgenes per day I was drinking to stay hydrated. (DUH he said to himself!)
  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    I agree with drinking water - I go through 2 huge sports bottles of water each day. Sometimes it makes the afternoon drive home from work a little frantic - but it works! I also chew a piece of sugarless gum - this helps too.
  • fobs13
    fobs13 Posts: 1,080 Member
    Water tip definitely works. Best of luck on your journey. Taking the first step is the hardest. This is a great resource. People are so supportive and inspiring.