workout for someone who hates sports

Hey, so I know that exercising and work-outs are a very important part of this process but I hate sports.I suck at them and definitely do not like them so it is very hard for me to find a work out that I am physically capable of, that I like, that's easy,not in public and free…Do you see the problem? :wink:


  • NetflixAndStuff
    NetflixAndStuff Posts: 16
    edited November 2014
    I have the same problem. I can't do a push-up, and I'm a slow runner. But if you have a treadmill, place it in front of a TV and watch something while you're running- the TV will take your mind off of the fact you feel like you're dying you're exercising. Or, if you don't have a treadmill, do sit-ups or jog in place in front of the TV.
  • daj150
    daj150 Posts: 815 Member
    I don't see a problem at all. You can do TONS of workouts or workout programs in the privacy of your own home. You can do stuff as simple as running up and down the stairs, push-ups, jumping jacks...all the great stuff you did in grade school. Or, if you want someone to show you what to do and when to do it, get something like Nike Fitness Club or dozens of other FREE programs for your phone or tablet (iOS and Android mostly, some are on Microsoft Phone OS as well). Enjoy!
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Do you mean that you do not like organized sports or you just don't like moving your body, period? There are tons of exercise options that are not organized sports so not liking sports should not be a barrier. Examples: walking (on a treadmill, laps around your house, laps at night in the dark if you don't want to be seen), running, bodyweight routines, riding a bike (regular or stationary), hiking, etc.
  • sophia_del
    Luckily I do not have a problem with moving my body.And yes running up and down the stairs would be an option if I wasn't so clumsy that I'd fall off them instead.Jogging in place seems ok, but I do wonder how effective it is. Thanks everyone for your replies!
  • beckyjopdx
    beckyjopdx Posts: 25 Member
    I love LOVE love the xbox one Kinect sports app. now, sure, that's free because we already have one, sure, but if you can get an old wii or something at gamestop or what have you, it's an option...or library dvds for the living room. that would be good too.
  • beckyjopdx
    beckyjopdx Posts: 25 Member
    PS, I have the grace of an ostrich on acid, so I really like the AMT at the gym (keeps me in line) - and with ear buds, who notices other people? or the Kinect at home. the Kinect lets me see my own form so I can see if I'm more "senile camel" than "military push-up." :#
  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    Working out and sports are not the same thing.

    The biggest problem is that you have this big checklist of things. Just don't work out if you're not into it. Exercise is for fitness.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Practice makes perfect. Like it or dont like it. You just need to do it. Try leslie sansone walk at home dvd loads on you tube
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    You want to change your entire level of physical fitness as long as you dont have to spend any money, do anything in public, or anything youre not good at it or don't know how to do.

    yeah I can see the problem :( Im sorry! Good luck!
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    yoovie wrote: »
    You want to change your entire level of physical fitness as long as you dont have to spend any money, do anything in public, or anything youre not good at it or don't know how to do.

    yeah I can see the problem :( Im sorry! Good luck!

    lol. Troof.

    as a high school kid I realized something. The more you work out or move, the better and greater amount of sex you have. That got me over any fears or anxieties about being in public, spending money, or getting tired.

    I've been told I'm crazy though.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    no that's also the troof.
  • StrawberryJam40
    StrawberryJam40 Posts: 274 Member
    Yoga for beginners, walking, walking in place, dancing (around the I do to Mamma Mia!). When you are home and no one is watching you can dance like a maniac. Or dance on the furniture (that's something my daughter and I do

    I want to start tennis next spring because my daughter likes it, and I'm not that great at it. I will occasionally swim laps, but I'm terrible at form. I don't play volleyball anymore, I don't like basketball or squash or handball or racquetball (what ever other forms of ____Balllllll!).

    There are tons of options...just move your body.

    Do some research on Google and You Tube.