2nd Time around

Hello everyone!

My name is Ashley and I used MFP once before and lost 60 pounds but due to a terrible breakup a few months ago I have gained every bit of it back. So im starting over and hoping to lose that 60 and then a bit more. I think it would be super helpful if I had some friends on here to help keep me motivated as my hometown friends arent really into fitness/getting healthier. So if you are around my age(27) and would like to add me please feel free. Good luck to everyone.


  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    You gained 60 pounds in 2 months?
    At least you know how to lose it, so maybe have a think about how you deal with things that potentially throw you off course and develop a strategy that helps you deal with the situation better. Good luck.
  • escfactory
    escfactory Posts: 8 Member
    I just started back up as well on here.
    I'm excited to get back into tracking my daily routines. It is definitely more efficient! We can motivate each other!
  • AObryan86
    AObryan86 Posts: 10 Member
    No I didnt gain 60 pounds in 2 months it was more like 6/7 months. :\
  • Jamess8300
    I'm sort of in your situation, went from 17stone 8 pounds to 13st 4 pounds, however after a bad period where I just drank alot (not to cope with bad situation, just because I was at uni and just went out alot) and ate complete rubbish i'm now back to 15 stone :(. However I finally found my motivation to get back into shape :D, looking forward to the challenge :).
  • TheBitSlinger
    TheBitSlinger Posts: 621 Member
    I failed several times before I succeeded. Ultimately, I had to take full responsibility for everything before I could succeed.