Sugar cravings during periods?

Hello all of you! :)

I'm new on here, and I feel quite bad today... I've logged in 673 over my daily goal (of 1200) because I've ate sugary treats all day. It's the first day of my periods, and like every time it happens, I crave sugar. And with all those Halloween sweets around, it's hard to keep off!

Is it the same for you? How do you keep yourself from eating sweets?

Thank you! :)


  • Chriss89
    Chriss89 Posts: 15 Member
    I am exactly the same!! I can be fine for weeks, getting the sugar rush out of my system and then....SUGAR BOMB! i could literally sit and eat fudge cake all day :\

    I'm afraid the biggest part is sheer will power, but i do find that having some extra minty chewing gum (sugar free of course!) and having a glass of cold water seems to help. I force myself to drink the water slowly and by the time I've finished the craving is easier to control. I think its the combination of focusing on something else and the fact that I hate to eat when I have a minty mouth!!
  • Thank you Chriss! I will try your tips! :) Let's hope I can have a better day tomorrow...
  • I can definitely relate!! I usually have the most difficult time the week beforehand :anguished: I have to agree that it takes a lot of willpower not to succumb... I like @Chriss89's suggestions ~ I will have to try those things as well!
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    It has never been a problem for me to fit something in as even losing weight, I have never needed to go below 1500 net calories. Double check you really need to eat at 1200 as most people do not. It is a very aggressive deficit.

    That said, try dark chocolate, low fat chocolate milk, low cal hot chocolate or nuts and hard boiled eggs. Anything with magnesium is a good bet as that is often what is being craved in terms of nutrients. That and iron.
  • It's the same for me. I stopped buying sweets and I don't keep it in the house. I also sip on water ALL THE TIME.
  • QueenE_
    QueenE_ Posts: 522 Member
    I eat fruit and sometimes dark chocolate.
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    This is why I like hormonal BC. It keeps me from having the bloating weight gain, and mood swings/cravings that come with my period. I'm on the Nuvaring, and I just keep it in for the full month, and I don't have a period for 4 months. Per my gyn, this is perfectly fine.
  • Thank you all for your tips and support! I'm new here on MFP and I'm very impressed to see how everyone is so nice and supportive... :)

    @Graelwyn75: I went with what MFP recommended... But maybe I should check again! And I'll look for food with magnesium, thank you for the info! :)

    I don't really have a lot of weight to lose, only the few pounds I've gained living with my boyfriend and his really bad eating habits! I'm trying to get more concious of what I eat, and eat more healthy... It's not as easy as it seems! ;)

    Thank you all again! :) Have a nice weekend... xx
  • KameHameHaaaa
    KameHameHaaaa Posts: 837 Member
    I rarely eat under 1800. But during TOM I can put away up to 3k cals of pastries x_x zero will power so I just don't keep that stuff in the house during that time.
  • alereck
    alereck Posts: 343 Member
    I have sweets daily, I make them fit my goals. I bought chocolate cake two days ago and my period will start tomorrow, one slice 240 cals, no problem.

    Now if you are only having a major issue one day of the month you shouldn't worry. That is not going to stall any progress, periods are tough, just do what you gotta do to get through the day. 700 calories is nothing if you are good the rest of the week, it's only 100 cals/day. Don't sweat.
  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    I get crazy cravings during my period. Last month someone suggested I eat a little bit of dark chocolate to help squash the cravings and I found it actually helped. :)
  • Sinistrous
    Sinistrous Posts: 5,589 Member
    Wow, people have gone flag crazy on here LOL.

    Anyway, I eat everything in sight during those crazy days.. So it happens, I had my period not once, but TWICE this flippin' month.. -grumble-
  • harlequin0318
    harlequin0318 Posts: 415 Member
    alereck wrote: »
    I have sweets daily, I make them fit my goals. I bought chocolate cake two days ago and my period will start tomorrow, one slice 240 cals, no problem.

    Now if you are only having a major issue one day of the month you shouldn't worry. That is not going to stall any progress, periods are tough, just do what you gotta do to get through the day. 700 calories is nothing if you are good the rest of the week, it's only 100 cals/day. Don't sweat.

    Where does this low calorie chocolate cake come from - must have!
  • cantumelia
    cantumelia Posts: 59 Member
    I take A LOT of fruity teas with A LOT of sacccharine. I know, saccharine is supposed to increase the "fat" microbiota in your gut but I´m sure it´s still better than taking a lot of sugar.
  • ithrowconfetti
    ithrowconfetti Posts: 451 Member
    I don't experience any cravings most of the time, and I also do not snack at all, but what I've heard is that sniffing vanilla extract could help kill cravings for sweets. Not sure if this is true, but you may want to try it out, if you have some extract lying around.
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    Its a hormonal thing. You can minimise it by allowing yourself to eat more on those days if you and when you are hungry. But stay away from the sweets.

    I also suspect you are eating far too few calories. Unless you are not overweight.
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    the idea of saccharine is just wrong. Eat fruit and you can eat a lot of fruit and not worry that there will be any negative ramifications. Fruit is good. Not fruit juice but the whole fruit! Its good for you.

    Yes you can eat too much fruit but you have to eat a lot of it so don't worry. Its best than most other things you are likely to try.
  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 683 Member
    options hot chocolate 40 calories a mug is my sugar craving must have. I have chocolate most days but I make it fit