Challenge group and motivation

Hi everyone! I want to start a challenge group, and I want you all to join! I would like it to be a combination of here and Instagram. Here's what the challenge will be:
-follow me on Instagram and tag me in a post of you working out (morganlynneefitt) and user the hash tag #newmeb4newyears
-post daily and tag me in posts so we can keep each other accountable.
-comment here saying you are in, and list 3 goals to accomplish by January 1st
-add each other here to keep each other accountable as well!

I will choose a winner at the end who could win a cool prize!

Here are my goals!
1. Be 185 by the new year
2. Workout 6 days a week and add more cardio to workouts
3. Be positive and patient, wakeep up and say something good about myself each day!

Let's do this guys! I'm so excited this is going to be a great challenge!


  • I'm down for the challenge!
    My goals:
    1. Weigh 130 by the new year
    2. Workout at least 5 days of the week
    3. Staying motivated & sticking to the plan!

    I will find you on Instagram & follow you.
  • I'm in :) I love challenges and accountability! Would have started one if you hadn't!

    I imagine I may have a friend or two that will jump on the wagon as well. :)

    Here is my first set of goals:

    1) Loose 20 pounds by 2015. (At which point I will set new goals.)
    2) 30 plus work out as well as core and strength, on my home gym-6 days a week.
    3) To soar through the holidays.. staying on my program!
  • morgiee_lynne
    morgiee_lynne Posts: 141 Member
    Can't wait to get fit with you guys!
  • morgiee_lynne
    morgiee_lynne Posts: 141 Member
    Still looking for members to join my challenge group! It will be tons of fun!