Loss of Appetite

Hey all,

I am wondering if anyone else has gone through a phase where they completely lose their appetite? I am eating, but only because I know I have to. Some days I am only managing 500-700 calories. Because of disability I cannot manage a huge amount physically so it is not like I am in need of any more than this. Is it necessarily a bad thing that my hunger has gone?



  • karenkasbi
    karenkasbi Posts: 216 Member
    Hi Mike. you shouldn't really eat less tan 1200 calories a day, I guess even more since you're a guy. I don't have appetite either, I eat only because I have to or I feel my stomach is empty. Try adding fresh vegetables and fruits to your diet, or make a vegetable smoothie before you sleep to get some fibre. Try two tomatoes with fresh basil and a garlic clove. Or kale leaves with apple and orange.
  • mikejudd90
    The smoothies sounds lovely so I will have to have a go at making some. Thank you for the suggestion. x