
My name is Rhiannon, I am 37 years old, from Rhode Island and I have had MFP for a while and never really used it. I want to start really focusing on losing weight and eating better, counting calories and learning proper portion control. My problem is, I do not eat enough during the day, and it's difficult to break that "If you eat a lot you will gain weight" mindset. SO, I am looking forward to doing this. I had had back surgery about two months ago, and finally am able to get back to exercising after over a year of not being able to hardly function. Any and all advice and friends on here would be greatly appreciated!


  • Winston817
    Winston817 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Hi from Boston here looking for motivated friends who interact and are serious about change....and ....have a good sense of humor. Feel free to add.
  • anglergirl3
    anglergirl3 Posts: 113 Member
    edited November 2014
    Hi Rhiannon - I log daily, eat many little meals a day and my diary is open. Feel free to friend me if you like. Mini meals to me is a yogurt with some flax, a protein bar, or a rice cake with some fresh ground almond butter. I have found (for me), if I eat little bits at a time, it helps keep me within my macros and I'm not starving from excessive gym burn. For the back surgery, just make sure you check with your surgeon to determine what your workout training levels should be to work yourself up. You can do this! The best thing is to plan/input what you want to eat each day into MFP. This way you know what exactly you can grab without worrying about going over. You will also be able to manipulate what you planning on eating to be within your goals. Any hoo, this is what I am doing and it is working for me. As you get going you will find the best plan that suits your personal needs. Best of luck.
  • rhiannonwytch
    rhiannonwytch Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Rhiannon - I log daily, eat many little meals a day and my diary is open. Feel free to friend me if you like. Mini meals to me is a yogurt with some flax, a protein bar, or a rice cake with some fresh ground almond butter. I have found (for me), if I eat little bits at a time, it helps keep me within my macros and I'm not starving from excessive gym burn. For the back surgery, just make sure you check with your surgeon to determine what your workout training levels should be to work yourself up. You can do this! The best thing is to plan/input what you want to eat each day into MFP. This way you know what exactly you can grab without worrying about going over. You will also be able to manipulate what you planning on eating to be within your goals. Any hoo, this is what I am doing and it is working for me. As you get going you will find the best plan that suits your personal needs. Best of luck.

    Thank you so much!! I will friend you. I see my surgeon next month, but got the Ok to do light activities by my physical therapist. :) Right now I have my counting set to sedentary (I'm active but not nearly what I need to be for now) I find that I will go hours with out eating and them I'm crashing, and I still do not reach anywhere near my calories..and I make poor choices.
  • rhiannonwytch
    rhiannonwytch Posts: 5 Member
    Winston817 wrote: »
    Hi from Boston here looking for motivated friends who interact and are serious about change....and ....have a good sense of humor. Feel free to add.

    Thanks! Ill add you!