Losing Weight Before Pregnancy

Hey everyone! I am preparing to start trying for a baby next year and, in the mean time, I am going to start losing weight. I need to lose between 40-60lbs.

Anyone else in a similar situation? Could use the motivation!


  • loosinit42806
    loosinit42806 Posts: 142 Member
    > did you do this?
  • cutenikki07
    cutenikki07 Posts: 120 Member
    I did this before my first baby! I added you so we can chat more!
  • JennyCallanan
    JennyCallanan Posts: 44 Member
    I am currently doing the same! trying to lose as much as possible before we can have a baby :) good luck!
  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    I am doing the same. My fella and I decided at the beginning of the year that we would start trying for a baby in June.
    Ideally I would like to be 140lb but since that is a 74lb loss in total it may be unachievable before I get pregnant but I am going to lose as much as I can.

    For motivation I think about this:
    I don't not want my weight to hinder conception.
    I don't want my weight to complicate pregnancy.
    I want my body to be a healthy safe environment for my baby to grow in.
    I don't want to be a fat, unfit, unhealthy mother.

    Good Luck <3:)
  • CassieR6
    CassieR6 Posts: 280 Member
    I am starting the same process. My husband and I want to have a baby (my second his first) so I am trying to loose 40lbs before hand so that I am healthy this time around again. :)<3
  • I have a nearely 7 month old baby and I plan to try for no.2 when he is a year old. So in 5 months time I would like to weigh just under 2 stone less than I do now. Started a week ago. Something really has to click for me to diet and that doesn't happen very often at all! Last time was in the run up to my wedding 2.5 years ago! But I know from then I really can do it as I went from 12 stone 3 to 9 stone, and much more toned! I'm hoping this time works as well, I feel like I'm 'in the zone' again finally! Good luck to u all!
  • amcook4
    amcook4 Posts: 561 Member
    This is part of the reason I'm losing weight. We are still a few years off from TTC, but knowing that if I can get myself from morbidly obese to healthy before we even try, it will help!

    Being a healthy weight doesn't mean that I won't have complications or issues, but it does lower the risk. Plus being a healthy mom sounds a lot better than an obese mom. With the 50 pounds I've lost so far I already have more energy, I couldn't imagine have a baby with the small amount of energy I used to have!

    Even though I am doing this for myself, knowing we will TTC in the future is just another motivator for me!

  • feedingonrose
    feedingonrose Posts: 12 Member
    I'm trying to lose about 50lbs by next year so I can have a second child. My first is 5 now and I lost the weight fine with her...But now i've put on about 60lbs in the past 2 years. I had high blood pressure and gestational diabetes and I weighed 20lbs less than I do now the day i delivered her.
  • CassieR6
    CassieR6 Posts: 280 Member
    I'm trying to lose about 50lbs by next year so I can have a second child. My first is 5 now and I lost the weight fine with her...But now i've put on about 60lbs in the past 2 years. I had high blood pressure and gestational diabetes and I weighed 20lbs less than I do now the day i delivered her.

    Sounds like me! I need to loose about 40lbs. I am about 15lbs heavier than I was when I delivered my daughter who will be 5 in March.
  • Kemmi1
    Kemmi1 Posts: 8
    I am in the same boat, the DH and I have been trying ttc for a few months. I beileve I need to lose some weight to help the process.
  • DanielleH1213
    DanielleH1213 Posts: 154 Member
    My DH and I have been TTC since May. The doctor told me to try to get to 175 because they classify that as a healthy weight to conceive. My other doctor told me that I should be able to get pregnant and not gain weight. I'm currently at 187 so only 12 lbs to go. We haven't been successful yet, so I'm pushing harder now to get as much weight off as possible so that this will get easier. Would love to join you all so we can help motivate each other.
  • corncob31
    corncob31 Posts: 4 Member
    I have lost all the baby weight from my first, I am trying to get to goal before we start on the second! I tried to get to goal before my first but we conceived quickly. I want to make it happen before the second one!!
  • Trishism
    Trishism Posts: 79 Member
    My son is 7 months old and I just reached my pre-pregnancy weight and am trying to get another 30-40lbs down or so, but I did lose weight before I got pregnant. The summer before he was conceived we decided when we were going to start trying and I really wanted to be in a healthier place before I became pregnant, so I took 7 months and went from 233 to 176. I went up a bit to 185 and then I got pregnant but I was much healthier - my BP had been high and was back to normal throughout my pregnancy.

    Anyways, I was 212 post pregnancy and I'm back to 185 now and hoping to get to 140-150 and maintain it before we have our next. Not quite sure when that will be, though. At least another year, maybe two. Add me!
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    I am doing the same thing... I started mid May 2014 and have lost 19lbs. I have 25 more to go before we start trying as we are looking to start in April or Oct 2015
  • DanielleH1213
    DanielleH1213 Posts: 154 Member
    Should we make a group so we can easily find each other?
  • Hello, ladies! My hubby and I have been married just over a year, and we're starting to think about a baby in the next year or so. This makes me feel desperate to shed these 50-80 lbs. (Idk for sure what my goal is, but somewhere in there) :) not sure how quickly i can manage it, but hoping i can in a year. I really would like to by our 2nd wedding anniversary in June :)<3
  • jess_blonde
    jess_blonde Posts: 229 Member
    Aiming to be at my goal weight by March-ish to start trying for our first!
  • KKJackson91
    KKJackson91 Posts: 69 Member
    I'm so happy someone brought this up! I haven't seen this mentioned in a post yet, but I am currently doing the same. I have about 100 to lose before TTC
  • Love seeing other ladies in a similar boat! My husband and I are going to start to TTC our second baby in mid-December and I have around 30 lbs to lose. I doubt I'll be able to lose it all before I do get pregnant, but I plan on getting some of it off before then and setting
    the foundation for a healthy, active pregnancy.
  • Jenn81481
    Jenn81481 Posts: 1 Member
    I am trying to lose weight to try TTC in April. This would be my third pregnancy, but my second child. My first child passed away in February though at 5 months, so hoping everything goes perfect this time around. I just really want to make sure I am healthy and everything before we try again. I was around 170 when I got pregnant the first time and had my first born on September 16, 2013 and I am 193 now and having a hard time getting motivated. I would love to be 155 by April, which means I have 38 pounds to lose.