Pacer and active calorie calculations

I'm having a hard time understanding how Pacer (iPhone 6) calculates active calories. Most of my exercise is short walks I take throughout the day. I'm finding that Pacer can give me inconsistent active calorie counts. For example, today I have walked 11,176 steps and have 789 active calories. A few days ago, I walked 11,962 steps and had 409 active calories.

Does the intensity of the walking matter? My walking today was my normal moving around at work with several short walks throughout the day. My walking a few days ago was mostly done shopping and not at as quick a pace.



  • feichengmaike
    feichengmaike Posts: 4 Member
    Intensity of walking factors (basically how many steps per minute) will factor into the active calories. Slow walking will get fewer active calories than walking at a brisk pace.