Extreme bloating after eating a muffin... after avoiding cake for a few months.



  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Sometimes it's in your head but I mean...Sometimes you do get bloated. Being bloated is not like a made up thing guys.

    But seriously you probably just have to make a BM
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    jumprope61 wrote: »

    A I looked 6 months pregnant and have never seen my abdomen so large lol. It has gone down significantly a few hours later but I am still bloated.

    Maybe you're pregnant
  • My abdomen was around the size of this woman's:


    I would not exaggerate and wouldn't post this if I wasn't somewhat worried by it. It has disappeared since. ALL I was asking was whether or not a large amount of bloating was experienced by anybody else after ingesting more carbs than usual at one time. I received a very helpful answer directing me to similar cases on MFP. I don't see how certain users could possibly feel confident or even be educated enough to accuse me of suffering from BDD, suggesting that I have a body image issue or it all being a figment of my imagination. It's astounding. If you have nothing useful to add, don't post a response. I'm amazed at how these unqualified individuals have the nerve to diagnose someone with a mental illness over a bloating query.
  • Acg67 wrote: »
    jumprope61 wrote: »
    Acg67 wrote: »
    jumprope61 wrote: »
    Acg67 wrote: »
    Body dysmorphia + psychosomatic reaction

    Wow, Dr. Acg67. Thank you for your diagnosis!

    You're very welcome. I take it you will answer everyone sarcastically until someone gives you the answer you were originally looking for, thus giving you some self validation?

    I have no idea why you're being so antagonistic. I asked a question. You posted a ridiculous answer diagnosing me with a mental health problem.

    May I ask how many children you have to know what you'd look like 6 months pregnant? In no way were you totally exaggerating how bad your bloating was and seeing something in the mirror that truly wasn't there? Zero percent chance of that, correct?

    Are you familiar with post hoc ergo propter hoc?

    I'm one of 6 children. I have seen my mother pregnant 3 times and am aware of what HER 6 month belly looks like. Not to mention the countless women in my family who I have been around when around 6 months. Sure, the majority of them may not have huge bumps around this time but that is MY point of reference as a 20 year old. I have posted an image of the size of my bloat compared to a woman at 24 weeks.

    No, I am not in any way exaggerating, Dr. Acg67. Absolutely correct. What do I have to gain from signing up to this site just to post a complete exaggeration? There's really no need to be so condescending. I can see that you're in a bit of a mood. That's fine. I only joined this site to ask as I was worried and couldn't find similar posts to read. I've received an answer directing me to a similar case on MFP. I am now satisfied with the advise I've received. Good day.
  • Acg67 wrote: »
    jumprope61 wrote: »
    Acg67 wrote: »
    jumprope61 wrote: »
    Acg67 wrote: »
    Body dysmorphia + psychosomatic reaction

    Wow, Dr. Acg67. Thank you for your diagnosis!

    You're very welcome. I take it you will answer everyone sarcastically until someone gives you the answer you were originally looking for, thus giving you some self validation?

    I have no idea why you're being so antagonistic. I asked a question. You posted a ridiculous answer diagnosing me with a mental health problem.

    May I ask how many children you have to know what you'd look like 6 months pregnant? In no way were you totally exaggerating how bad your bloating was and seeing something in the mirror that truly wasn't there? Zero percent chance of that, correct?

    Are you familiar with post hoc ergo propter hoc?

    If I looked 6 months pregnant I'd be carting my rear to the ER. I know what I looked like at 6 months along both times...

    Perhaps my point of reference is different to your own. I've not been around many pregnant women outside of my own family. 6 months to me is the image I have posted above.
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    It's not the carbs. It sounds like a wheat allergy.
  • ithrowconfetti
    ithrowconfetti Posts: 451 Member
    edited November 2014
    Hi, OP. Sorry to hear about your discomfort and bloat. Some people tolerate certain ingredients, like wheat better than others. Perhaps, you could go get it checked out professionally, or experiment on your own by eliminating wheat for a while and see if that helps in any way?

    Also, I think ACG and SonicDeath responded the way they did, based on certain instances in your post:
    1. Using hyperbolic phrases like "6 months pregnant"
    2. Ending off with "I saw a great difference in my body shape"

    These make it seem like you're more concerned with your body shape and not looking bloated, as opposed to the possible health complications that may tie with bloating per se, and you did not outrightly ask for help with feeling less bloated, but asked if anyone else experienced the same "bloated body shape".

    When I get bloated, I chew on papaya enzymes, and they help really quickly, so that is something you could try out too? Not sure if they will work the same for everyone. I do hope the bloating goes away soon enough, and may you feel better soon! :)
  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    Certain foods cause me to bloat like crazy (pasta, potatoes, chips are a few I've noticed). I don't think it's crazy to suggest that a food is making you bloat. I don't believe it's in your head (It's not uncommon lately for my stomach to look like the picture you posted...). I have pictures of my stomach after a week of certain foods vs a week without those foods. The pictures are hardly lying! I noticed a decrease in my bloating after cutting down on lactose.

    I wish I had solutions, I don't really but wanted to say I don't think you're crazy! I know I'm going to see a doctor about my extreme bloating as soon as I can.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Ok, you're right. It's not in your head. Carbs are bad, especially wheat. This is why humans should not be consuming such things. Now go buy a copy of Wheat Belly and fire up Fat Sick and Nearly Dead so you can right the ship.
  • 89Madeline
    89Madeline Posts: 205 Member
    I don't understand why everyone gets so worked up about this question. To the topic starter, I suffer from IBS unfortunately and my belly can bloat like the woman in the picture as well, even worse. It get's round and fully tense as well. Difference with a 'pregnant belly' is that it doesn't look like that when I sit down.

    I wear leggings with a broad elastic band whenever I suffer from that, because pants then just don't fit... It usually subsides within a few hours though.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    edited November 2014
    I don't understand why everyone gets so worked up about this question. To the topic starter, I suffer from IBS unfortunately and my belly can bloat like the woman in the picture as well, even worse. It get's round and fully tense as well. Difference with a 'pregnant belly' is that it doesn't look like that when I sit down.

    I wear leggings with a broad elastic band whenever I suffer from that, because pants then just don't fit... It usually subsides within a few hours though.
    Being that bloating is a normal part of being a woman the fact that the OP is asking this question like she's surprised, either means that she is looking for an excuse to restrict foods or has a grave medical issue. Seriously...looking six months pregnant after eating a muffin?