How much Cardio is TOO much cardio?!?

I normally do about 75 minutes of cardio each workout. A fellow gym member was telling me that cardio is no more effective after the first 20 minutes...she said you get the same benefits of doing 20 minutes of cardio as you would get doing 75 minutes! I don't believe this is true because when I was doing less cardio I wasn't dropping any pounds. I didn't ask her opinion but she offered anyway :huh: Does anyone know the truth about this?


  • jmijaressf
    jmijaressf Posts: 215
    I dunno. The longer you exercise in a session, the more calories you burn. Since you're dropping the pounds with longer cardio sessions, stick with it!
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    Maybe the same benefit for your heart? Sounds like she's trying to make herself feel better about only working out for 20 minutes. :laugh: But you're still burning calories for the remaining 55 minutes!
  • truedecember
    truedecember Posts: 151 Member
    My aerobics professor actually told us something similar, except she said that 30 minutes gives you maximum benefit. However this is referring to cardiovascular benefit. Longer cardio still burns more calories, so that's a definite benefit!! Just make sure you don't overdo it :)
  • ivyann73deleted
    This really had me curious so I googled it. This woman is crazy and has no idea what she's talking about. Gotta love people that offer their opinion and wrong advice when you don't ask for it.
  • Mamapengu
    Mamapengu Posts: 250
    Maybe it depends on what your goal is? I just ran for 2+ hours and burned over 1400 calories. My goal is to get healthier and be able to run a half-marathon in 3 weeks. My pulse and BP have both dropped since I started to run- and I'm getting muscle definition I've never had before. I'm pretty happy with how I'm progressing towards my goals.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    All I know is if you (for example) run on a treadmill for 20 minutes, you're not going to burn anywhere near the amount of calories as you would with 75 minutes at the same intensity/incline/speed/whatever. There's a benefit of more than 20 minutes of cardio. That being said, I think 75 minutes of non-stop cardio is a bit much, but you never specified if it was non-stop. :) Whatever works for you.

    Also, I've always read and heard that doctors/dietitians/trainers/againwhatever recommend at least 30 minutes of brisk walking a day... And brisk walking is a form of cardio, so I guess it would apply to other cardio workouts too. 20 minutes seems a bit low...
  • diana109
    diana109 Posts: 113 Member
    Not at all!. The more cardio you do the more calories you burn meaning the more weight you loss. Plus the more cardio the stronger you make your heart and lungs. It also helps improve your endurance!! Keep up the great work! Agreed probably just trying to make herself feel better!
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I've been hearing that doing the same cardio over and over at the same pace, doesn't get the best results, and that interval training is the way to go for maximum burn--I am doing run/walk intervals because I had to start with a really modified running program, and I find that it really works for me--so depending on what you're doing, maybe trying a few "sprints" during your cardio will help. It also boosts your heart rate temporarily, which is a good thing...I'm also doing Zumba, spinning, (and just added in strength training) and walking with coworkers at lunch...doing anywhere from 25 to 60 minutes of cardio at a time...
  • kaylenlawrence
    kaylenlawrence Posts: 211 Member
    it takes 20 minutes for your body to get to the fat stores..
    on my cardio days I do about an hour and a half
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    I think the concern with overdoing the cardio is the risk of burning muscle, which is obviously undesirable. Any time you are losing weight, you are also going to lose some muscle - unless you do strength training and eat adequate protein. That said, 75 min/ day seems high to me personally, but if you enjoy it, then go for it. But I highly recommend some strength training in addition to that, like 2 or 3 times per week.
  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    From When it comes to cardio, it's up to you and your goals how much you do and how often. For weight loss, most experts recommend 60 or more minutes of moderate intensity activity most days of the week, but if you're a beginner, you may need to start at a lower level of exercise. For beginners, you might start with three days of cardio exercise for 20 or more minutes, adding time each week.
    Look at the person that is giving you advice. Do they look like you want to look? If they do, do what they do. I've had really overweight people telling me how to loose weight. Whatever.
  • supico1
    supico1 Posts: 34
    @ ivyann73 That is really funny! she just walked up to me and started telling me about cardio. I do several different machines so its not at a continuous fast pace. I really like burning calories with cardio. There's no way I could stop at 20 min!
  • l3xii
    l3xii Posts: 160
    Look at the person that is giving you advice. Do they look like you want to look? If they do, do what they do. I've had really overweight people telling me how to loose weight. Whatever.
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: funny
  • supico1
    supico1 Posts: 34
    @ diana109 I have also seen others in the gym do just as much or more! they are doing high intensity running, I do the Elliptical Trainer and treadmill
  • supico1
    supico1 Posts: 34
    @ l3xii Very true! she needs to lose a lot more to give advice! :noway:
  • TheDeviation
    That said, 75 min/ day seems high to me personally, but if you enjoy it, then go for it. But I highly recommend some strength training in addition to that, like 2 or 3 times per week.
    ^ I agree. You didn't mention it, but if you're not doing any strength training you need to. Don't be afraid that you'll turn into an amazon. Strength training will help you reach your goals quicker and keep your physique looking great.

    Just my $0.02.
  • supico1
    supico1 Posts: 34
    @ TheDeviation I use the bicep curling machines & several other machines at the gym. Is lifting free weights better than using the machines?
  • TheDeviation
    @ TheDeviation I use the bicep curling machines & several other machines at the gym. Is lifting free weights better than using the machines?
    I ALWAYS prefer free weights over machines. You get a natural, wider range of motion using free weights. You just have to pay attention to your form when lifting.

    Don't be afraid to look into things like dumbbell squats, romanian deadlifts, barbell bench presses, etc.. They aren't just for guys. :wink: Check out youtube. There's quite a few good lifting "how tos" on there.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,205 Member
    @ TheDeviation I use the bicep curling machines & several other machines at the gym. Is lifting free weights better than using the machines?
    I ALWAYS prefer free weights over machines. You get a natural, wider range of motion using free weights. You just have to pay attention to your form when lifting.

    Don't be afraid to look into things like dumbbell squats, romanian deadlifts, barbell bench presses, etc.. They aren't just for guys. :wink: Check out youtube. There's quite a few good lifting "how tos" on there.

    The bicep curls and others really don't do much for you. Use free weights and do things like TheDeviation suggested. They will give much more effect and cause much more metabolic effect. Exercises like curls just work the bicep especially on a machine. A free weight squat will work legs primarily along with your butt, but it also works your core and a bunch of other muscles because you need to balance the weight.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,205 Member
    To the original post, if you enjoy it the only down side is that long duration cardio will burn muscle. More specially since you are not really using your fast twitch muscle fibers, but over using your slow twitch ones, your body will decrease the size of your fast twitch muscle fibers. They are the ones that make up the bulk of your muscles shape. It is because of this that you see such a huge difference between the look of sprinters (they make large use of their fast twitch muscle fibers) and marathon runners (they make large use of slow twitch muscle fibers responsible for endurance). Both have low fat levels, but there look is radically different. If you want to be a marathoner (or look like one) focus only on your long duration cardio, if you want more of the sprinter look incorporate weight lifting and Intervals and cut back on the long duration cardio. When in comes down to it, a High Intensity Interval Workout will burn more fat than long duration steady state cardio. I believe the big research was done by Anthony Trembley not too long ago.