From Weight Watchers to My Fitness Pal

Hello everyone. I have heard and read great things about my fitness pal and decided to commit myself to it instead of paying for WW. Just wanted to introduce myself and any advice anyones has I would love to hear it!


  • skinnydavid7
    skinnydavid7 Posts: 29 Member
    This is an outstanding place! I don't like "points". I'm a calorie guy and they got em here. As fast as new foods come out they seem to get added. My only challenge is just staying true and being honest with myself and the board. Then all my MFP friends seem to have stopped posting so I need new ones whom I can encourage and who can encourage me. Sending friend request! I think you will love this place.
  • hocuspocus87
    Thats wonderful! Thanks for replying. I'm looking forward to starting, trying to learn how to navigate and find everything, but I'm sure that will come with time. Is there a place on here with recipes?
  • bfergusonii
    bfergusonii Posts: 208 Member
    hocuspocus and skinnydavid. I have a quite active friend list and I am here every day and log everything. Feel free to send me a FR. Happy to help anyway I can.
  • tialynn1
    tialynn1 Posts: 886 Member
    Welcome! I have been on this site for over 4 years. I have lost most of the weight already. I just need to finish the last 20 or so pounds. I started slacking for a while. I pretty much maintained during that time. But, now am starting to get back into it and need to finish losing the rest. I have started recommitting starting today to go with my new job. I plan on doing strength training 3 times a week for 20 minutes a day. I plan on still walking daily. I am on every day. I will send a friend request.
  • hocuspocus I'm in the same boat as you. I was doing WW and I bounced around on my weight a lot. The whole points thing really threw me off. Seems a bit easier to stick to good ol' fashion calories. I'll send a friend request.
  • AnutChelle
    AnutChelle Posts: 51 Member
    I also did WW. I lost 90 pounds on that program and I think it is a good program. I got married and forgot to take care of me so I gained the weight back. I didn't want to have to pay WW every month, and my husband prefers counting calories, so I started on MFP. The only thing I really miss about WW is the weekly points, but I feel that I am truly more accountable for what I eat now that I have to focus on the calories. I also think that the food database is more extensive on MFP. I will send you a friend request.
  • fstrobe72
    fstrobe72 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi - I joined last week and have been on WW on and off for the last 10 years. I don't know if I can blame WW - it was me - but figured MFP is something new and I like it so far!
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Howdy all,
    I was a dedicated WW for over two years. Lost 35 lbs the first 3 months. Then stayed in the next 10 pounds for two years. Never really went over on my points but managed to stay in maintenence. The calories really do make more sense to me. There are far too many ways to get extra calories in WW points. Down 35+ pounds since June 1. Reached my 75 last week. I never could have done that on WW. Send me a FR if you like.
  • NikiChicken
    NikiChicken Posts: 576 Member
    I did Weight Watchers for a long time and both gained and lost many pounds while doing it (both directions were entirely my own fault). Weight Watchers is a fantastic program. I have had much more success here though and am now down 85 pounds. This just works with *MY* lifestyle better. I love counting calories and being only accountable to myself and the free part certainly helps! What works for me doesn't work for everyone though and I would never knock Weight Watchers just because this is better for me. Welcome and good luck to you!
  • FitGoofy
    FitGoofy Posts: 39 Member
    Welcome! I joined here about a week and a half ago. I was a lifetime member at WW years ago and the biggest thing that kept me going was the accountability and weighing in at the meetings. You kind of get that here. Surround yourself with friends on here and post your weight. You'll get the positive encouragement and accountability that you had at WW. Anyone feel free to add me for support! :)
  • hocuspocus87
    Thank you so much everyone for replying to my post. I can already tell the support on here is going to help me through this. Losing weight has been one of the hardest things for me to do. I used to post to my WW community and sometimes not even get a reply. This definitely encourages me :smile:
  • fobs13
    fobs13 Posts: 1,080 Member
    The support here is brilliant and free! I debated joining WW too but would be paying €10 weekly to follow complicated program when calories in versus calories burned is so much easier.
  • Angurla
    Angurla Posts: 159 Member
    Welcome. I think the "friends" here are an invaluable tool.
  • twinzmom172
    twinzmom172 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm a lifetime WW member who fell off the wagon. WW is a great program but I have done it so many times and needed a change. So far I am loving MFP - I love that it's free and that it has so many different foods in it's database and I love that my fitbit links to it. Good luck, there are a lot of great people on here for support and it has that accountability piece - which helps me. I'm sure it will work great for you too!! :smile:
  • CarolinaMom5
    I have used WW on and off for 12 years. Some things I love, some things not so much. Since I don't live near a center anymore and have a toddler, I am trying MFP since its free!
  • eliren29928
    I've never posted but am trying to get "back on the wagon" and lose 30lbs. I'm engaged and keep gaining weight when I need to be losing it for the wedding and ongoing good health. I was a lifetime member of WW but do not enjoy the leaders in my area so need to find another program that makes me accountable. Today is a new day and I am happy to be on MFP.
  • Sandra37405
    Sandra37405 Posts: 20 Member
    I reached lifetime with WW years ago. I now need to lose 30 lbs. WW is a great program but they just keep repackaging the same information. This seems similar (you gotta track!) but more straightforward. A calorie is a calorie. I'm very active but now that I'm a bit older - take note youngsters - the pounds are harder to take off and more cumbersome to carry around.
  • 89Madeline
    89Madeline Posts: 205 Member
    Welcome :) I made the switch from WW to myfitnesspal myself and I loved it.

    WW seemed easier at first, with the points thing, but in reality it doesn't help you to understand nutrition at all. Myfitnesspal shows you all the information and it really isn't much more complicated. MFP showed me, for example, the impact of protein. A high cal/high protein meal actually fills me up longer, and is 'worth' the calories rather than a low cal meal with no nutrients in it.

    Also, it's free ;)

    It did took me a bit of time to really get used to it, but stick to it and you'll learn a lot. Also, the app allows you to remember recently used foods which makes it easier in no time.

    Oh, and if you're not doing it already, do get a kitchen scale so you can weigh everything.