My sugar intake is always DOUBLE or more what it's supposed



  • BettrFastrStrongr
    BettrFastrStrongr Posts: 17 Member
    The Goktor - Ofcourse common sense is my guide. :) MFP isn't some sort of food bible lol. I was just a bit taken aback that my sugar was doubled and beyond.
  • BettrFastrStrongr
    BettrFastrStrongr Posts: 17 Member
    e1lindsay - Your rule of thumbs seem really sensible. And what you do at the end of the day is what I've been doing so far, I just sort of look over it and analyze where majority of it derived from.
  • BettrFastrStrongr
    BettrFastrStrongr Posts: 17 Member
    dawntodusk - I agree with most of what you say, except for the "it's not hard" part lol. If you had ever eaten the sort of diet I was eating prior to my using MFP, you'd understand. :) Well, maybe you were and you're just tougher than me. ^_^ Now, the cereal I am eating has 6 g, my dairy skim milk in the fridge has 12 g, my soy milk has 6 g, my yogurt has 9 g, and my selection of fruit varies. Ofcourse there's sugar in other stuff but those were the products discussed and that have higher amounts. Trust me, just learning to buy these sorts of items was quite a transition for me. just a couple months ago I was living on pop, sugary fruit-flavored drinks, sugary cereals, candy, pastries, etc. (And this is only the sugar aspect of my old diet, not the fat aspect.)
    Even in this change to a diet with less sugar (but the sugar's still there) I completely get it about stuff being too sweet now! I had a sip of this purple punch the other day over my boyfriend's mother's house as his little cousin told me she "made me magical tea b/c I had princess hair" (and yes I quote that) but yeah my goshhhhh did that taste soooo sweet to me now! It needed diluted with 50% water, minimum!
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    Are you eating any other refined or processed foods? I eat a lot of fruit but my sugar is never high. However I eat very little processed foods and stay away from gluten.
  • Dawntodusk
    Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member
    dawntodusk - I agree with most of what you say, except for the "it's not hard" part lol. If you had ever eaten the sort of diet I was eating prior to my using MFP, you'd understand. :) Well, maybe you were and you're just tougher than me. ^_^ Now, the cereal I am eating has 6 g, my dairy skim milk in the fridge has 12 g, my soy milk has 6 g, my yogurt has 9 g, and my selection of fruit varies. Ofcourse there's sugar in other stuff but those were the products discussed and that have higher amounts. Trust me, just learning to buy these sorts of items was quite a transition for me. just a couple months ago I was living on pop, sugary fruit-flavored drinks, sugary cereals, candy, pastries, etc. (And this is only the sugar aspect of my old diet, not the fat aspect.)
    Even in this change to a diet with less sugar (but the sugar's still there) I completely get it about stuff being too sweet now! I had a sip of this purple punch the other day over my boyfriend's mother's house as his little cousin told me she "made me magical tea b/c I had princess hair" (and yes I quote that) but yeah my goshhhhh did that taste soooo sweet to me now! It needed diluted with 50% water, minimum!

    It's great that you've been able to reduce sugar as much as you have. I ate a lot of sugar for many years, and would reduce it from time to time, but then I would always go back to bad habits and eat more than I should. Now it's been almost a year since I haven't had it, and it's much easier this way. Good luck whatever you do!
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