Started the 30DS 5 days ago, 30 Ripped or T25 next?


Long time MFP member, but first time posting.. I think. My wife and I are going on a cruise in 90 days with a bunch of friends. Figured I better get in slightly better shape before then. :)

Anyway, we started the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred 5 days go. So far so good. Level 1 gets me huffing and puffing but I have been able to complete the whole workout every time. I'm trying to plan for what's next and was hoping to get some advice. I'm trying to decide if T25 or Ripped in 30 is better? Anyone have experience with them?

Also, anyone that has done the 30DS: Did you do any rest days? I read somewhere that you should do all 30 days without a rest day but read somewhere else you should have 5 days on 2 days off. So I'm not sure what to do.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.




  • andreamaym
    andreamaym Posts: 179 Member
    I have done both 30DS and Ripped In 30. I tried 2 levels of T25 and just could not keep up. By the time I got the rhythm of what Shaun T was doing, he was moving on to a different move! Needless to say, I would choose Ripped In 30 over T25 any day. I saw some great changes in my body when I did RI30.

    Hope thaf helps!
  • That does help a lot. Thanks!
  • h7463
    h7463 Posts: 626 Member
    Hi! I have done many of Jillian's workouts, and I also finished 30DS. Don't force yourself to workout every day, if your are in pain. Train smart. Take a rest day. Let your bits heal. This is an extreme program, and there is no point in risking injury. 'Sore' is enough for the
    I worked about 5-6 days, took 1 rest day, and I also took one rest day after the first day of the next level. Ripped in 30 is very similar, so just keep going!
    I have actually mixed up the circuits of several workout DVDs for a month, to make sure I would not hit the same muscle groups over and over every day. That was fun, too.
    Check out Shredded with Weights, Yoga Meltdown, Cardio Kickboxing, No More Trouble Zones.
    Have fun!
  • chele402
    chele402 Posts: 128 Member
    I like T25 much better than 30DS. It's much more comprehensive with building stamina and the Beta phase really works on developing your muscles. It's also less monotonous and there is a modifier if you find it at all difficult.
  • brimingus
    brimingus Posts: 66 Member
    I haven't tried T25 but I did finish 30 Day Shred and I'm on Ripped in 30 right now. I like Ripped in 30 loads better than 30DS. I got so bored with 30 Day Shred by level 3 because I kept getting used to the workouts. Ripped in 30 always keeps me guessing. By the time you get used to the workout, it's on to the next level. I also didn't really see any results on the later levels of 30 Day Shred.

    Ripped in 30 is supposed to be (as I understood it) 6 days on and 1 day of rest AND it has a level 4/week 4. It's Jillian's first video with week 4/level 4. There's also Jillian's "Body Revolution" that I might try after Ri30.
  • I have JM 30 DS, T25, Insanity and a few other home workouts. Personally, I love the results that I have gotten from T25. It's 10 weeks and I did the additional 5 weeks of gamma. Shaun T focuses a lot on core and getting ripped. 90 days before your trip you would definitely be able to see results.
  • Plus, T25 would be 5 weeks of alpha, 5 weeks of beta, and if you choose to get gamma another 5 weeks. You would see results in those 15 weeks that I don't think came as fast with JM. A eating plan is included too.
  • Mistraal1981
    Mistraal1981 Posts: 453 Member
    You could also try JM body revolution.
  • Thank you all for the great responses! We are going to finish up 30DS first. I think after we will do RI30 and then after the cruise I'll hit up T25. Thanks for all the tips on additional videos as well. Video overload! :smile: