Seeking fellow IBS sufferers... + mini rant

NakeshiaBeard Posts: 83
edited November 2014 in Motivation and Support
Anyone else out there with IBS that's just trying to find something safe to eat (which can change all the time of course!)?

I was diagnosed with IBS about 5 years ago. There have been ups and downs but over the last couple of years mostly ups. Up until a fortnight ago I hadn't had any symptoms for a good 6 months thanks to the help of a naturopath and regular accupuncture. I think with summer comming on here in Aus I've been drinking more alcohol and eating out more which has contributed to the face that I've been experiencing symtoms again. Nothing too awful, bad bloating and cramps mainly.

I'd love to be able to say one day that I am cured. It seems that things work for a while then just stop working. A friend of mine has sworn that Herbalife products have cured her IBS, however I tried these for a month and notice absolutely ZERO difference, in fact I got quite ill whilst I was taking them (which the distributor insisted was me 'detoxing'... To which I thought 'Oh right so I'm detoxing from my normal, balanced, whole food diet... OK then...'!!). Needless to say I got told not too kindly that unless I was in love with the products by the end of the month to never bother trying them again, I obviously had the wrong attitude and wasn't embracing the mind of matter thought processes required to make the products work... *rant over*

Anyway, sorry to rant and rave. I think with some carefull eating over the next few weeks I'll be back to feeling good again.

So, if anyone would like to connect and swap ideas on dealing with the delightful symtoms of this wonderful syndrome, please free to reply and/or add me!


  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    IBS is no fun... I've never been great at dealing with mine, kinda just put up with it. But it seems to be much better when I'm eating more home cooked meals and better portions.
  • It isn't any fun at all :-(
  • veganbettie
    veganbettie Posts: 701 Member
    you really just need to know your triggers...

    anxiety is awful for me, and greasy foods...alcohol... all of which I love...except anxiety of course.
  • njitaliana
    njitaliana Posts: 814 Member
    I found the book "Eating for IBS" to be helpful.
  • rannc
    rannc Posts: 13 Member
    I had pretty horrible IBS. I mean, I still have IBS but it's not as symptomatic. I had alternating bowel movements and severe abdominal pain on a regular basis for a few years--it was so bad that I could barely function.

    Eating more fiber, drinking water, and regular exercise didn't impact me in any positive or significant way. I took prescription medication for the cramping but that that didn't help long term.

    Anyway, the most meaningful thing that helped me is adding Magnesium Citrate (500 mg). I might have an attack once a month now versus having 4 or 5 a week. I did research, those with more constipating symptoms do better with a magnesium supplement and those with more diarrhea symptoms do better with a calcium supplement. I've been taking magnesium for a few months and honestly, my bowels haven't felt this good in years. It doesn't give me license, however, to eat like crap--I still need to drink water, consume a healthful amount of fiber, and exercise.
  • There is hope out there. I was in a research study that used a 2 week course of antibiotics that are usually used to treat travelers diarrhea. This has pretty much "cured" me of IBS. The generic name of the antibiotic is Rifamixin. It isn't FDA approved for this, but for other conditions. I'm a PhD Pharmacist Educator, so I hope that gives me some credibility.
  • patsypooter
    patsypooter Posts: 175 Member
    Add me to friends. I have bad IBS and have been on a strict diet to control it. I think you should remember that you will need to eat well 95% of the time and inky indulge in cheats infrequently. IMO fried and processed foods are bad and I have unfortunately had to give up alcohol permanently.i have also been to acupuncture and it helps but mostly its diet.
  • redfisher1974
    redfisher1974 Posts: 614 Member
    edited November 2014
    I have short gut syndrome form losing a bunch of my intestines in a car accident, I suffer from a lot of the same things as IBS... Tried a bunch of different stuff and after 2 years of diarrhea (no joke) and 10 to 20 BM's a day its just starting to get better, I have to take 4 Imodium pills a day and 4 15mg codeine phosphate pills a day, I have noticed it changing for the better since I have been on here eating a little cleaner.
  • icu814me2
    icu814me2 Posts: 212 Member
    Mild crohn's here :\ Feel free to add me.
  • 26 years dealing with ibs-c. I have been able to ease my attacks by cutting out greasy food. I try to eat more home cooked meals now.