Can i eat not so healthy food once a week still within my calories count

Hello everyone i need to ask this can i lose weight by eating healthy limited carb, low calories food whole week and once a week not so healthy food choices but still within my allowed calorie count?


  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    Yes, of course you can.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    You can lose weight by eating "not so healthy" food choices every single day of the week as long as you stay within your allowed calorie count.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    edited November 2014
    Look at this. It's a great guide for filling out your diary and allowing for what people consider "not so healthy food".
  • warriorguy
    You can, but consider other effects, like triglycerides, cholesterol, nutrition deficiency possibles, and will it keep you posed to attack sweets in binges.
  • fazilasdq
    I usually dont binge eat and take lots of fruits and veggies and protein in each and every meal. I would just like to have a chocolate or cake piece once a week. I usually find it hard to get to my 1260 calories per day (usually its below 1200 calories) but i try my best. So i want to just have my cupcake once a week and still lose weight.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,022 Member
    No, not possible.
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    fazilasdq wrote: »
    I usually dont binge eat and take lots of fruits and veggies and protein in each and every meal. I would just like to have a chocolate or cake piece once a week. I usually find it hard to get to my 1260 calories per day (usually its below 1200 calories) but i try my best. So i want to just have my cupcake once a week and still lose weight.

    Definitely doable. As long as you are in a deficit overall you will lose weight. I have reduced treats but not eliminated them
  • MsHarryWinston
    MsHarryWinston Posts: 1,027 Member
    Aaaaaanyway.... Sure you can. I had a half day of A&W the other week and still stayed at a deficit. Mama burgers and fries throughout the night (I work nights so it was my daytime). I was just craving salty fries and juicy burgers. I kept myself in deficit while I did it and my craving was completely satisfied. (My macros were blown to *kitten* that day though lol, but it's soooooo not a big deal).
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    fazilasdq wrote: »
    I usually dont binge eat and take lots of fruits and veggies and protein in each and every meal. I would just like to have a chocolate or cake piece once a week. I usually find it hard to get to my 1260 calories per day (usually its below 1200 calories) but i try my best. So i want to just have my cupcake once a week and still lose weight.

    Sounds like you could have a cupcake every day and still be under your calories.

    If you're having trouble getting to 1260, add in some fats. Use full-fat cheese and milk. Eat full fat yogurt and cook with olive oil.

    And don't deprive yourself of treats. You can absolutely have them as often as they fit into your calorie goals.
  • fazilasdq
    Thank you so much guys. I am so relaxed now so tomorrow will be my chocolate cupcake day... Yayyy
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Depending on your goals, you can eat unhealthy stuff every day.
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    I agree with lora although i think people with weight problems do need to be careful about how often they treat themselves. If you can cope with it once weekly without triggering any sort of wagon falloff/binge, then go for it.

    For me, i limit myself to occasions when what's on offer and whether its offered is up to someone else. But it tends to come out at once a month.

    And also if you are overweight, then i question whether 1260 is too low for you. Certainly the longer you try to maintain that low calories, the harder it will get. So if you don't have to , don't do it. Its better off to start eating more and reduce as you go.

    Or if you do want to severely restrict now, then don't do it for longer than say 3 months because if it hasn't already got hard, it will then.

    You should check if your nutrition is adequate. protein? fats? calcium? other vitamins and minerals?
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    Sure can!
  • SciranBG
    SciranBG Posts: 97 Member
    The movie 'Fat Head' discusses this to some extent. A comedian loses weight eating fast food every day.
  • fazilasdq
    Patttience... I have to lose just my last 15 lbs and MFP calculated 1260 calories as adequate for me ( i hope thats accurate). I try to eat fruits, veggies and protein so i hope that i get all the nutrients from them.
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    A lot of the so called "unhealthy" foods are only unhealthy because they have a lot of calories and sodium. If you keep below your maintenance calories, you'll lose weight anyway, except that the extra sodium may cause you to retain water. However, if you're exercising a lot, you might actually need more sodium than you would normally find in the healthy foods, so a "unhealthy" day could actually be good for you.
  • SaintTawny
    SaintTawny Posts: 26 Member
    Yeah, I've lost almost 30lbs celebrating "Fat Friday" every week. Every. Week.

    I stay within my calorie goal for the day, but I always eat "poorly" on Fridays. I live for it. My plan for tomorrow is crock pot cinnamon roll french toast. Yum.