Looking for more friends who can further educate me

I have a nice sized friends list.
Although am looking for a few more friends that are on regularly to talk to about food and exercise :) I have come a long way and still have a long way to go, I'm not finished learning yet :)


  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    I like sharing knowledge. and the sound of my own voice/fingers tapping the keys. IN! ;)
  • shfoster0721
    shfoster0721 Posts: 239 Member
    Feel free to add me. I have a private challenge group on here that I just started. I have lost 117 pounds since January. Am also part of a pretty large group on FB. I'm Steve by the way.
  • latoyaaaa
    latoyaaaa Posts: 71 Member
    Great :) will add yous both!