Can i eat not so healthy food once a week still within my calories count



  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    I'm about to have some chocolate for the third time this week. Every other night I usually have ice cream. So yes, you can.
  • DiabolicalColossus
    DiabolicalColossus Posts: 219 Member
  • lothquendi
    lothquendi Posts: 22 Member
    Patttience wrote: »

    Or if you do want to severely restrict now, then don't do it for longer than say 3 months because if it hasn't already got hard, it will then.

    What happens at three months that makes it more difficult? I'm a little over two months in, eating at between 1200 and 1400 fairly easily so far.
  • Thank you everyone. I usually dont eat burgers, pizza etc but what i like to eat once a while is a piece of cake or half a cup of custard or sone chocolate which is maximum 200 - 400 calories. But this too just once a week so that i can stay on track and not get off the track.
  • Torontonius
    Torontonius Posts: 245 Member
    Yes. Couple of cheat meals a week has benefits for your metabolism and, more importantly, your sanity. Just moderate calorie intake on your other meals those days.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Here is the thing. . . I have lost the same 35 pounds three times. The first two times, I was militant about "eating healthy." Then I got tired of it and grumpy and feeling deprived. I quit following my food plan and gained back all of the weight. This past time, I figured out a good eating goal for me, tracked my calories, figured that I would eat mostly lean meat, veggies, fruit, whole grain, and all that and make sure to save some calories for foods that I consider treats. This time, I've kept that 35 pounds off for two years. Yesterday I had cheesecake. Tonight I'm craving a grilled cheese sandwich and a glass of wine. I think this plan is going to work much better!
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Yes, of course. It's important to incorporate foods you enjoy in order to keep your sanity.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I've lost 59 pounds so far. I just had McDonalds for dinner (and I had dessert, too). I would not succeed in this without eating foods I like. So my answer is yes, yes you can.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Agree about the definition of "healthy food." Just because something is calorie-laden doesn't mean it is unhealthy. I only consider something unhealthy if it contains a bunch of unpronounceable additives or otherwise contains no nutrients. I might still eat it sometimes to meet my emotional needs though.
  • librarydebster
    librarydebster Posts: 177 Member
    I guess it depends on how much you have to lose as far as calories taken in per day. I have never eaten as low as 1250 and I intend to lose 20 more pounds, having lost 70 pounds so far this year. But I do a fair bit of exercise. I do something about 5 or 6 times a week and if it's hiking, I do it for usually 2 hours at a time.
  • SexyKatherine73
    SexyKatherine73 Posts: 221 Member
    Yes, of course. It's important to incorporate foods you enjoy in order to keep your sanity.

    Agrees 200% :smiley:
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    I eat whatever I want, every day. Priority one for me is generally getting my macro / micro goals. Then, once I have those in line...I throw in the peanut butter fudge and ice cream...lost 53 lbs in 9 months doing so. Health is in the context of a whole diet, weight loss is calorie deficit. Fit things in you love and you'll be better suited for after weight loss.
  • bigblues11
    bigblues11 Posts: 203 Member
    Omitting a certain food has never worked for me. Now, I eat (and drink) whatever I want. Pre-logging my meals has really helped! I spread my daily intake over the course of the day, and if I know I'm going out and will be eating or drinking outside of the norm, then I cut back in other areas. Sometimes I'm just over but that's okay. Everyday is a fresh start :) Enjoy the journey to better health!
  • So what are your macro's generally i mean percentage of carbs, fat and protein
  • Danniel76
    Danniel76 Posts: 2 Member
    It is actually good for your metabolism to be shaken up one in awhile. It is good keep it guessing so you don't go into starvation mode if your calories are to low. As long as you keep your foods clean and at the calorie count eating treat here or there is ok. Even if you go over your calorie count. the think is to go back to eating healthy Your body will tell you what it needs and wants. There is usually a reason. I crave sweets, but when I am not allowed to have such treats go go for a protein shake to get my chocolate or sweet kick for the day. On special holidays or events I plan to have it as a cheat day and don't count calories, but try to choose the best meal for me. I found I can still lose up to 3 pound that week if I do that. Another word of wisdom I had learned s never ever weigh yourself after a cheat day. You will retain more water and be more bloated. Your weight will be up. So don't let it get you down. I have lived through that circus myself. It s not fun on the ego and self-esteem. Enjoy sweet treat eating.
  • court_alacarte
    court_alacarte Posts: 219 Member
    i've definitely found i can incorporate junk in my diet and still lose weight. in FACT, when i was at my skinniest, i was just eating one meal a day with my meal being something like olive garden or burger king (i am not at all saying that you should do this). and i wasn't eating no salads or "lite meals", it was chicken alfredo and bread sticks and the burgers with the fries and fajitas with flour tortillas, etc. i would say i was active that i worked and met up with friends all the time and never really lounged at home, but i never actively worked out or anything either.