Desperately needs help

Today is my first of finally taking control of my life and I am already feeling befitted. Its treat time of of day when I usually have my night snack and I am having a hard time sticking to my guns. My goal for today was to give u my nightly snack but it is killing me. I am drinking water but it is not helping me. Trying to remain focused!


  • hhommel
    Hang in there! You can do this. Find something else to do at treat time. Just distracting yourself for a little while can help you get past it. Go for a walk, or read, or watch silly cat videos on the internet.
  • uask4itdave
    uask4itdave Posts: 5 Member
    Hhommel is right...find some thing else to do during snack time for awhile. It takes time to change habits. Start a new one...maybe read forms or blogs on MFP for added support/distraction
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Many on here have a bedtime/nighttime snack and there is no reason, if your calorie goal is reasonable, for you to have to give that up. I often have some cheese and fruit or some yoghurt and a hard boiled egg before bed. I know of quite a few who have ice cream as a bedtime snack too. Just make it fit in, leave room for it, and enjoy.
  • BeckyD1105
    BeckyD1105 Posts: 444 Member
    You don't have to give up your nighttime snack. There's nothing wrong with it. Pre-log it in the AM and that way you'll know what you have to work with for the rest of the day.
  • ankdworak
    ankdworak Posts: 336 Member
    You can do this! Free free to add me; happy to help in any way I can. Ankdworak
  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
    As others stated, why give it up? Maybe that is too difficult of a goal right now. Baby steps are good. Factor it into your cals for the day and eat it.

    If you are giving it up because you eat it out of boredom, habit, or it causes you GERD, or some other unpleasant side effect (not sleeping well, sugar cravings, can't stop at one, etc.), then work on taking it out slowly by doing it every other night, and trying something different on the nights you don't eat the snack. You could set aside 5 minutes to exercise instead of eating the snack, or meditating, or reading a good book, or kissing your SO, or doing a mini spa treatment on your feet/hands. The possibilities are endless.

    It does take time to break habits.
  • rseneca724
    rseneca724 Posts: 46 Member
    I once thought I had to give my nightly snack up, but now I pre-log it so that it's already accounted for before I even eat lunch or dinner. Dieting shouldn't make you miserable. Make sure you still enjoy the things you used to, just in moderation :)
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    I would honestly spend time planning and preparing so you know what you are doing, know how to use the logging on MFP correctly and organise any exercise plan. Then take baby steps by logging for a week and then gradually reducing your count down to the required level. If you are under such stress now on day one then its going to be really tough. Baby steps imo aiming for lifestyle changes and not too much at once.
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    What's your reason for wanting to take it out?
    Do you think what you're having isn't "healthy"? (no need to jump on me terminology critics, I just don't know what her food plan is she may think certain things are healthy vs unhealthy, I'm taking a leap here)

    If that's the case, then pick a "healthier" food for your snack: a piece of fruit, some yogurt, cottage cheese, veggies, ect

    Do you not have enough calories at the end of the day?

    Couple things you can do for this one, first plan it out so you can still have a snack at the end of the day and be in your calorie goal, next look at the size of your snack, if it's about having something at the end of the day before bed time, it doesn't have to be big (ie having a small dish of your favorite Ben and Jerry's ice cream rather than the whole pint) just grab your handy, dandy scale and have a serving

    Are you trying to take it out because you just want to take it out, or maybe have a health reason?

    That's okay too, make sure you get to your calorie goal by the end of your supper time, then find something to occupy your time until you're ready to go to sleep: read a book, watch tv, play with the kiddos, play with your hubby, and my personal favorite for when I get to boredom snacking: manicure (hey, you can't touch the fridge without wrecking the polish)

    I personally have a glass of milk before I go to bed each night since it seems to keep me from waking up in the middle of the night hungry, it rounds out my meal plan nicely for the day, and I get in a last boost of vitamin d (I am borderline low, so I'm food/sun controlled right now, doc want me to get it this way right now rather than having to get shots)
  • beldona1
    beldona1 Posts: 17 Member
    beldona1 wrote: »
    Today is my first of finally taking control of my life and I am already feeling befitted. Its treat time of of day when I usually have my night snack and I am having a hard time sticking to my guns. My goal for today was to give u my nightly snack but it is killing me. I am drinking water but it is not helping me. Trying to remain focused!

    figure your nightly snack into your calories then you don't have to give it up. This isn't about depriving yourself of the things you's about making changes that will last the rest of your life. If you figure them into your plan, you won't fall of the wagon

    Thank you livelaughloveeat1, I think I would try that for the first few weeks until I am able to control it.

  • beldona1
    beldona1 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks everyone for your advice. I really appreciate it. I have not thought about pre-logging it so that it already be in my count or even counting it as a part of my overall goal. You guys are awesome, I am certainly going to use your tips. Feeling hopeful already!
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    It takes a little while to get into the groove. Don't be too hard on yourself at first.
  • beldona1
    beldona1 Posts: 17 Member
    BinkyBonk wrote: »
    It takes a little while to get into the groove. Don't be too hard on yourself at first.

  • beldona1
    beldona1 Posts: 17 Member