21 year old vegan newbie! :)

Hi! :)
I quit smoking several months ago and I'm excited to improve my health in other areas! Want to get cooking again and eat a variety of food and try new things :)
I want to have lots of MFP friends so we can encourage each other and chat and share tips and workouts and possibly recipes if there are any other vegans here! :)
Ais xx


  • KLangleydoula
    KLangleydoula Posts: 1,494 Member
    Hi! Feel free to add me as a friend. :)
  • Back2Biz
    Back2Biz Posts: 67 Member
    Hi, I am recently back on MFP. I was searching blogs looking for Vegans on here and saw your post. I was vegetarian for a while, reverted to omnivore and then recently made the deep commitment to becoming Vegan. Just looking for a few active Vegans to help inspire me, and people I can also support. If you would like to be friends, please friend me. :0)
  • jmcnealy
    jmcnealy Posts: 28 Member
    i eat mostly plant based, used to be vegan, but recently haven't been committed to the lifestyle. i'd love to get back into it, because i felt so much better. if you want to be friends, let's do it!
  • ebhrivera193
    ebhrivera193 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi there. Im 21 and converting to vegan aswell! Ill add you.
  • devenfuentes
    devenfuentes Posts: 27 Member
    Hey! I'm 19, not a vegan, not looking to lose weight, but I can help encourage!!!! Add me puhleeeeeease :smiley:
  • FaylinaMeir
    FaylinaMeir Posts: 661 Member
    Welcome! I'm no longer a vegan, for reasons, but just wanted to say make sure you take a b12 supplement at least once a week. You'll take yourself later.
    & MASSIVE congrats on the quitting smoking, it's not easy. 3 years later though and I don't miss it. Wake up every morning appreciating being able to breathe and it'll help you get through cravings LOL :laugh:
  • natzlob
    natzlob Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all
    I have also been looking for other vegans who want to lose weight. I love the vegan lifestyle and love vegan food but find it difficult to limit the amount of starch and carbohydrates in general that I eat. Until now I have not had the courage to join any communities or reveal too much but it is time because I have been trying to make a change to my weight for months and keep returning to old habits.

    You have made such a strong and positive change quitting smoking! With that strength and determination you can achieve anything