do we believe in cheat days?

happybrooke Posts: 153
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm feeling terrible about the day. It started off well and I made good choices throughout the day. Lunch wasn't the best, but I had been planning for it all week, so I wasn't even feeling the least bit guilty for it. I figured that the other "good" days would make up for it, plus I worked out hard all week and was planning to work out again tonight after work.

Well, after work, unexpectadly, I had to take my fiancee's dad back to his truck that had broke down an hour away. I missed dinner at my regular time, got stuck in a traffic jam. What was supposed to be 2 hours ended up being over 5 and I didn't get to eat dinner until 9:00pm. And it was at a hole-in-the-wall diner that did NOT offer healthy choices. I ate a BLT hoping that it would be the best option I had. I feel now like I just let all my hard work this week fly out the window today. Tomorrow is supposed to be my weigh in day and I don't even want to see what it says. I have been working my butt off for a couple weeks now, only to lose a pound. I am certain that with the sodium in today's meals that I will have gained at tomorrow's weigh in.

I know that this is a lifestyle change. I've lost over 20 lbs with at least 30lbs left to go. I know that days like this are going to happen. But I don't like the way I feel right now. I guess I feel like I failed myself today. The only thing that sort of makes me feel better is by calling this a cheat day. Like today didn't count. As long as I get back on track tomorrow, I should be alright, RIGHT? I've never really believed in "cheat days" because I don't really like the way it makes me feel. So tell me MFP friends, what are the pros and cons of a cheat day? Do we believe in cheat days?


  • Aspynmom
    Aspynmom Posts: 166 Member
    I have to have "cheat" days. If not, I would go absolutely insane. Saturday is my day. I don't go crazy, I just don't log that day and if I want to eat something, I eat it, and not stress out. I like to think of it as giving my body a surprise because it goes from being good all week then BAM, chocolate!!! Keeps it on it's toes!!! It hasn't hindered my weight loss....yet.

    You can't be so hard on yourself, this is a lifestyle change, and life is not perfect. You are going to have days like this time and again. Do the best you can when you are thrown a curveball and once you can get back in your schedule, do it!

    Drink extra water tonight to flush that salt out!
  • betterthanmama
    betterthanmama Posts: 57 Member
    Relax. I find stress to be the number one factor in me screwing up the rest of my progress.. One day is not going to be that bad on your body. Just don't worry too much and get back on your regular diet. I have gone a few days of not counting and eating due to stress, and I may gain a little weight, but the more I stress, the more I add.

    Also if you are working out (especially weight training or adding muscle) this will help with days that you mess up a little. They are like a cleanup clew :)

    Also if you are worried a lot, don't get on the scale. Skip that day (will help skip the stress) and get on after you start back on your normal diet.
  • jamielise2
    jamielise2 Posts: 432 Member
    I have to limit it to cheat meals, rather than days. You can undo a week's worth of work with one bad day. BUT, having said that, don't beat yourself up for a bad day or bad meal. Give yourself permission to do it right 90% of the time, and have treats 10% of the time. It will balance out in the end.
  • You have to allow yourself a treat every now and then because if you don't, you will end up binge eating. I know how you feel when things go wrong and without planning you end up eating the wrong thing, only to feel guilty. But I also believe that the main reason why people end up putting all their weight back on after working extremely hard over the months, is because they don't allow themselves to have enjoy an occassional craving and cut out all their bad foods. I know this from experience. I havent been as slim as I am now and its because I allow myself a very small treat each day (fun size milky way for example) and that way I wont binge eat if my cravings try and get the better of me.
  • flinchyny
    flinchyny Posts: 106 Member
    Yep, sure do believe in them, though I refer to it as "taking the day off,"
    rather than cheating. (I will still record my food on these days, but won't worry if I go over my calories.)

    Also, I don't see what's wrong w/ eating a BLT anyway. Obviously, lower-fat foods are the ideal, but BLTs can be part of a healthy diet, even on a "non-cheating" day. As long as you budget the calories for it (and bacon isn't very high in calories, unless you're eating a huge pile of it).

    Anyway, not something to stress about. :)
  • I have days like this all the time, well not all the time, but often enough that I hate them, too. I guess what makes me feel better is that weight loss is all about consistency and 1 day in 10 or 15 is not going to be the end of the world, but 1 in 7 is just going to mean it will take longer to reach my goals. It's okay that it takes longer as long as it means I am still working on it and that I haven't given up. I have "started over" a whole bunch of times, without really stopping my weight loss plan, but having to reset my resolve. Then when I look back and average it out, I have met my goal as far as lbs lost in the time I had planned on, it's just totally sporadic.
  • summerkissed
    summerkissed Posts: 730 Member
    I like you dont like the way 'Cheat meals' make me feel, but the extra carbs and fat on a choosen day are really benificial!!! My bodybuilding coach has changed what most call a 'cheat day' into my 'Refeed day' on this day I increase my carbs by the way of a suppliment called pure carbs and add a few extra tbls of natural peanut butter! That way my body is still being refeed but in a very healthy way!! And this really works very well for me!
    Dont feel guilty or bad for something that was really out of your hands!! We all get thrown a curve ball evey now and then, 1 day WILL NOT undo all your hard work. Just brush it off and get on with it!!! Your doing a great job be proud of yourself!!!!
  • ok29
    ok29 Posts: 2
    One thing that helps me is to prepare for inevitable situations...I always prep my veggies when I bring them home, then fill several baggies with fresh veggies. I fill other baggies with one serving of almonds or cashews, and keep cheese sticks around. Then throw several of these items in my bag when I leave the house.

    But things did the best you could with what was available. It isn't what you did one time that got you into trouble, and one meal isn't going to prevent you from reaching your goal. Just eat right MOST of the time, and you will get healthy. That is the issue; not speed, not looking great tomorrow, not having the scales go down tomorrow.
  • happybrooke
    happybrooke Posts: 153
    Omg - thanks guys! I feel so much better about this now. I might just skip weigh in tomorrow. Who cares, right? Phew! I kept trying to make myself feel better about it, but was afraid it sounded like excuses. THIS is why I love MFP! Just the support I needed to let it go and get a good night's sleep!
  • I don't believe in "Cheat days" because I'm the kind of person who doesn't "diet." As cliche as it has become I believe that the real key to losing a lot of weight is to change our habits and our lifestyle. I see a day where you might have indulged as a day that you have learned something about yourself.

    For example, you had an emergency come up and still made as good of a decision as you could have from what you could choose from. Now, in hidsight, was there anything you could've done to modify your BLT to make it fit a healthier lifestyle? You could order light mayo (Or see if they have lowfat mayo or miracle whip) or less bacon. Drink water with your dinner instead of a soda (even if it's diet, because from personal experience, I eat less from my plate when I'm drinking water. I think it's all psychological. Like I'm making a healthy drink choice, so I'm more motivated to make healthy food choices.) order a veggie side if they have it instead of fries, or if they only give fries or potato chips, ask them not to bring them out.

    It's okay to reflect on days when we've indulged more than we planned, but don't regret it. Even if you don't see the loss tomorrow, you will have learned something about yourself. You will have learned what will make you cave and what you can stand up to. and Most Importantly, you will have had something tasty to remember for the next several days! I always think "That cheeseburger was really tasty the other day, I'm glad I had that then, so I don't have to today!"
  • aichabp
    aichabp Posts: 9
    I believe in cheat meals once in a while. I try to do those for lunch so that I have time to make it up for dinner. I make it up either by excercing or eating less. And if one day I go over, I try to go under the next day. It's all right. It is a matter of math. 3,500 = 1 lb How cool is that?
  • happybrooke
    happybrooke Posts: 153
    I don't believe in "Cheat days" because I'm the kind of person who doesn't "diet." As cliche as it has become I believe that the real key to losing a lot of weight is to change our habits and our lifestyle. I see a day where you might have indulged as a day that you have learned something about yourself.

    For example, you had an emergency come up and still made as good of a decision as you could have from what you could choose from. Now, in hidsight, was there anything you could've done to modify your BLT to make it fit a healthier lifestyle? You could order light mayo (Or see if they have lowfat mayo or miracle whip) or less bacon. Drink water with your dinner instead of a soda (even if it's diet, because from personal experience, I eat less from my plate when I'm drinking water. I think it's all psychological. Like I'm making a healthy drink choice, so I'm more motivated to make healthy food choices.) order a veggie side if they have it instead of fries, or if they only give fries or potato chips, ask them not to bring them out.

    It's okay to reflect on days when we've indulged more than we planned, but don't regret it. Even if you don't see the loss tomorrow, you will have learned something about yourself. You will have learned what will make you cave and what you can stand up to. and Most Importantly, you will have had something tasty to remember for the next several days! I always think "That cheeseburger was really tasty the other day, I'm glad I had that then, so I don't have to today!"

    Great points! Love that!
  • ok29
    ok29 Posts: 2
    I would also recommend that you go to your weigh day. So what if you didn't lose? Next week, it will be that much sweeter when you've lost double!
  • absolament
    absolament Posts: 278 Member
    It's not a cheat day. It's a day you couldn't plan as you normally would. One not-so-good day mixed in with lots of healthy days is not going to make one ounce of difference. I bet since you started tracking you are eating more mindfully than ever before, and therefore you have seen progress. So, let me ask you... why would one unusual day change a thing?
  • I always know Saturdays are going to be bad... Hubby brings the guys over to watch the games ect and I end up drinking a bottle of wine and eating about 3 slices of pizza. I ALWAYS feel guilty... but I am training myself to just let it go. Infact, tomorrow is poker-night/UFC/Canucks game... mmm... pizza and wine here I come. LOL. Yours sounds much healthier than my cheat day. Don't worry about it, i have lost 10 pounds and 4 inches in just over a month and i "cheat" every saturday!
  • jrobertson37
    jrobertson37 Posts: 90 Member
    Im so with you!!! I have to have a cheat day as well!!! Saturday is my day and i do not want to see another veggie. I do not go overboard but if there is something i want to eat i eat it. I just make sure i work out like crazy during the week so that i have burned atleast 2500 cals for the week. AND I do not feel guilty about it at all!!!
  • happybrooke
    happybrooke Posts: 153
    Phew! Weigh-in is over. Get this, the scale didn't move an ounce! Which means that I probably did lose because the sodium from yesterday was A LOT! And I measured in today as well and I've lost a couple inches!! Thanks so much for all the supportive comments!! We CAN do this!!
  • sassy0930
    sassy0930 Posts: 5
    We all know the inches really are the motivator. I don't care if I weigh 230 for the rest of my life if I can fit into normal clothes!! LOL (not that it would ever happen). I am glad you went and saw the progress you've made. Just drink your water and get rid of the bloating and you'll feel great!
  • lisa35120
    lisa35120 Posts: 230 Member
    I think occasional cheat days are okay. Just don't do it all the time! I went out of town last week for a couple days and couldn't log & didn't want to either. It was an 11 hour drive and I had to eat because of boredom! I wouldn't do every week though. I usually let myself have just a little bit of junk food every day or every couple days rather than have a whole day of it... like today, I had a couple sips of a milk shake from jack in the box (my husband had the rest), and about half of a dr. pepper. (I just wanted to add also - that wasn't ALL I ate, I ate other stuff too. That was just the junk food part.)
  • pjrisher
    pjrisher Posts: 152
    I have accidental cheat days sometimes. I'll do really well then have days that aren't the best. I feel pretty bad about them but then I just try to have a great day follow it. I think they're okay once in a while, there's no need to beat yourself over them as long as they aren't regular.
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