Question: Should I weigh myself everyday?

I know I am not going to see results immediately...I just feel if I get on the scale everyday and see little to no results I'll be down. So...When does everyone else weigh?


  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    you shouldnt really more than once or twice a week will become obsessive like me i weigh 2-3 times daily
  • amo62
    amo62 Posts: 3 Member
    I cant resist the morning weigh and try to be positive when it doesn't show a change!
  • goatstew
    goatstew Posts: 50
    No way. That's way too much pressure. I try to make Wednesday's my weigh in day, and that's worked out pretty well. I'd suggest picking a day and only weighing in on that morning, early, before you eat.
  • dragonbug300
    dragonbug300 Posts: 760 Member
    Weight fluctuates dependent on many more factors than food consumption. Water, sodium, time of month, digestion, illness, bowel movements, etc. etc.
    Most people on here weigh once a week, usually in the morning. I weigh myself on average once a month, just out of curiosity and to be sure I'm maintaining..
  • BigMattyD
    BigMattyD Posts: 5 Member
    Basically what dragonbug said, I weigh in every 2 weeks to once a month. But everyday is not a good idea, good luck on your progress.
  • Zakth
    Zakth Posts: 37
    If you are easily discouraged then I would suggest that you weigh only once a week or every two weeks. Aside from the scale get a cloth tape measure and use it also. One last thing you can do to track your progress is to setup a place to take pictures of yourself. this gives you a chance to see yourself form the third person perspective.
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    I weigh when ever I want..... but I know my weight does go up & down everyday. When I measure is way more accurate on my weightloss. If you weigh everyday.....don't go crazy that you are up a day, it can make you discouraged when you way all the time.
  • WhyW8
    WhyW8 Posts: 54 Member
    I think if you feel that weighing yourself every day will get you down then don't do it. I weigh myself every day to see if there is the slightest change either way. If negative I'm like yay, but if I've gained then it does kind of make me sad. Rule of thumb is once a week. I think thats the best because it does fluctuate day to day depending on sodium, water, time of month and all that like everyone else said. I have a certain "number" in my head that I want to be at, but ideally if I can look in the mirror and like what I see, plus fit into this one pair of jeans that I used to wear then I am not going to worry what the number is.
  • JellyJaks
    JellyJaks Posts: 589 Member
    I weigh in every Wednesday morning, after I've gone to the bathroom but before I eat. I find that I get discouraged much too easily if I weigh myself every day and with 2 boys, I never get to weigh at the same time each day which in itself can cause changes. TOM is the worst week for weigh in. I always gain weight because no matter what I do, I retain water.
  • seansquared
    seansquared Posts: 328 Member
    I know I am not going to see results immediately...I just feel if I get on the scale everyday and see little to no results I'll be down. So...When does everyone else weigh?

    Generally speaking you should weigh in once per week, same day and time every week. So if you pick "Mondays at 8am", weigh in every Monday at 8am.

    More specifically, you should weigh-in right after you wake up, after you visit the restroom but before you consume anything - even a glass of water.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I don't like weighing myself everyday because I find my weight fluctuates alot from day to day -- heck mine can fluctuate up to 5lbs between morning (when I seem to weight the most - weird, huh? Most people weigh LESS in the morning) to late night (when I seem to weigh the least - possibly because I work 2nd shift AND I work nights, so my body is definitely adjusted to night time stuff).
  • Windi38
    Windi38 Posts: 164 Member
    It really depends. I never weighed myself..... for years didn't even have a scale. And I put on weight so slowly I almost didn't notice it, and ignored it until I hit the 190s! This past year I started weighing myself more and more, just to pound it into my head that I am really and truly way too much overweight!! It took a long time for my stubborn brain to decide to do something about it, and part of it was seeing that number day in and day out......... Now I weigh myself every day but mainly because I wanted to see how much my body fluctuates. I found out that before I started really working out and drinking more water, I would fluctuate any given week by as much as 5 pounds. Now it's more like 1 pound, but I still see the steady decrease.....11 pounds this past month!

    But, mentally, I know I'm in it for the long haul so a pound here and there is not going to stress me out, as long as I'm seeing a general decline.

    If seeing a one or two pound increase ruins your day, then by all means, stop weighing yourself so often!
  • kartunes
    kartunes Posts: 46
    It made me go crazy when I used to weigh myself everyday. So many changes can happen in a day as your weight tends to fluctuate. Some days were good, some days were bad. I decided to weigh myself every two weeks instead, and I saw much more progress and felt less stressed throughout the weeks.
  • ibike
    ibike Posts: 8 Member
    Once a week.