Following MFP but not losing?

I'm eating my calories per day (1290) and then most of my exercise calories, but I have lost sweet FA for about 10 days. Help?!


  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    i'm not too sure, but maybe you could try cutting back on carbs a little to jump start your system again. at least that's been suggested other times on similar posts.

    maybe it's just a little plateau and will nudge again of its own accord?
  • Emmalou822
    Hey... On weight loss plans in the past I have been told to measure myself ( with a tape measure) If i hadn't lost any weight as sometimes, because of exercise you gain/build muscle which weighs more than fat. So it could be that you are losing the inches because of muscle tone.
  • zoebea33
    zoebea33 Posts: 74 Member
    I've seen people saying to switch excersize for a bit of a shake up :smile:
  • Emmalou822
    Also you need to increase the intensity of your work outs as to burn fat your heart rate has to be (ideally) around 110-130 beats per minute. As your body gets used to exercise your heart doesnt need to work as hard because your fitness level has increased so its important to gradually increase the intensity if you feel the workout is getting easier for you. Hope that makes sense :)
  • Helena4
    Helena4 Posts: 124
    Try cutting back on not eating as many of your exercise calories. This is because the 1200 cals that you are eating is the ideal intake...adding on the exercise calories means that you are maintaining your weight...not loosing it! For example; last week I lost almost 2 pounds when I didn't eat my exercise calories and this week i've been eating them and lost nothing.