Need some advice

Hi Guys,

I have just bought myself a Max Fitness Pro wristband, (cheaper version of a Fitbit) and I have worn it all day, measuring my steps approximately, and it has stated that up till now 11pm that I have burnt 872 calories throughout the day. Do you think I should record these calories burnt in my diary? These are calories burnt throughout the day at work and I have done all my housework this evening plus doing the weekly shop.
Should I record these or just record exercise such as running, Zumba, swimming etc? If I record these calories against my diary then I still need to eat 1200 as all my daily routine has used up the calories I have consumed today. Does this mean I am not eating enough???
Sorry I'm just trying my hardest to get this dieting business right.



  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    I wouldn't record them because they are part of your lifestyle already counted by MFP. I would record exercises that aren't part of normal life, such as the Zumba and stuff like that. Whether 1200 is enough for you depends on things like how tall you are, how old you are, and such.
  • v27pig
    v27pig Posts: 12 Member
    Agree with not recording these. Would recited it if you went out for a run or a long walk, but not every day steps at work
  • xgirliedevilx
    xgirliedevilx Posts: 12 Member
    That's what I thought so I haven't recorded them. Damn, I was just about to order a large pizza too lol.
    I will only log the extra exercise then, makes me wonder what the point of the wrist band is really.
    Thank you :)
  • v27pig
    v27pig Posts: 12 Member
    Think the point of them is to get people to be more active if they aren't. Or to get people to track what exercise they do during a normal day. I'd considered getting one myself but didn't want it to track my normal work day.
  • xgirliedevilx
    xgirliedevilx Posts: 12 Member
    I use other apps to track my running. I suppose it is interesting to see what you burn in a day but I can't see me using it that often to be honest. I should of researched them more before I bought it