yard work, cutting trees down, lifting logs

For 3 days we have been cutting down 3 trees, a zillion logs( of, maybe 100 or so, bending , stooping,lifting, lots of walking,,,how do I count calories now?


  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    ninety six
  • v27pig
    v27pig Posts: 12 Member
    When I've been moving logs from wood stores I put it down as cleaning/moderate effort. Or you could put it as gardening
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
  • Bocch
    Bocch Posts: 191 Member
    Wear a heart rate monitor (HRM) it will give you a ballpark figure of what you are burning with calories. Lifting weights (logs) is not a cardio exercise. It should be considered strength training. When you walk logs to another location the walk will record more calories being burned. Lifting weights(logs) can increase metabolism and that could result in weight loss but remember that lifting logs 1 or 2 days does not compare to going to the gymn 3-4times a week. Not a doctor here just into fitness
  • trm68
    trm68 Posts: 55 Member
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Heart rate monitor only matters with steady state cardio.

    really though, chalk up what you did to being good and don't sweat the burn. If you have to log it, log it as one calorie.
  • dlrock
    dlrock Posts: 8 Member
    I'm like trm68, I'd like to know too. Hubby and I go out in the woods for two hours on the weekends and cut down trees, cut up logs, lift them in the mule, lift them out of the mule to stack them on a trailer and then lift them off the trailer at home to stack them on a wood pile. Yes, I'm excited to be able to do this at my age but am curious to know the calorie burn and how this is effecting my body.
  • mrsbunbunbun
    mrsbunbunbun Posts: 49 Member
    I just use "Gardening" for that stuff too :)
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    dlrock wrote: »
    I'm like trm68, I'd like to know too. Hubby and I go out in the woods for two hours on the weekends and cut down trees, cut up logs, lift them in the mule, lift them out of the mule to stack them on a trailer and then lift them off the trailer at home to stack them on a wood pile. Yes, I'm excited to be able to do this at my age but am curious to know the calorie burn and how this is effecting my body.

    Obviously there is a modest increase in calories from doing this type of activity. It's probably not as much as you think because the actual time of exertion is relatively small compared to the time not moving or just walking along. Most "activity estimates " will assume more continuous activity.

    As far as lifting the logs, the "effect" really depends on the amount of weight vs your current ability. This is the kind of thing that would results in more benefits when you were first doing it, and less new improvement as time went on--unless you kept cutting the logs bigger and bigger.

    Any activity is positive, vigorous activity ever more so.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Why the hell would some necro this?