Watch out! Newbie on the prowl !!!

The newbie would be me of course :)
Story of my life: lots of diets with not so many results - bet you didn't hear that one yet :D
After a long and stormy mullah acquiring phase have had my VGS done via laparoscopy.
Started at some 182kg in preop. preparation , down to some 178kg just before the cutting on 8.10.2014 and down to 158.4 kg today 8.11.2014 ; that is some 20.4kg or 45 pounds in 30 days - Lord be praised!
Positive stuff: My No.2 Diabetes is gone bye-bye and I'm not missing it :#
Negative stuff: Need clothes! From smallclothes to work overalls!
Weird stuff: Everybody tells me how young I I looked old and nobody told me ?!? :D
