hip injury

awaiting and MRI arthrogram to determine extent of a hip injury... dr has suspected a labral tear from day one thinking that the years of occasional "popping" has yielded a larger tear resulting in more consistent pain... PT thought it was a hip flexor injury and had me doing extensive strengthening and stretching (i said my hip felt like a brittle rubber band when stretched to give a visual)... after the last session things didn't feel just right and gave it a few days to rest before running... now the hip is swollen, tender to touch and both sitting down for an extended period of time or walking on any surface that isn't flat cause pretty extensive pain...

anyone have similar symptoms or gone through some rehab for a labral tear... I'd like to avoid surgery at all costs but I've been told if the tear is bad enough (if that is indeed what I have) that there aren't many other options...



  • Andewboy
    Andewboy Posts: 10 Member
    i have the same, suspected labral tear and cam impingement....

    had it for 6 months, sadly from what i see surgery will be the only cure (assuming its recommended after a further inspection using the mri anthrogram technique)

    not fun sitting....
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member

    I have hip impingement and labral tears in BOTH of my hips. Therapy, cortisone injections, etc. do not fix tears or the impingement that causes them. I know the pain you're in. I can't walk without a limp, climb stairs, sit in chairs, tie my shoes, cross my legs, won't talk about the pain of being intimate with my husband (sorry TMI). So, I'm having surgery on both of my hips. Left hip first in just two more weeks.

    Good luck to you.
  • info_nrs
    info_nrs Posts: 102 Member
    I had the tear, had the surgery, having same issue again (surgery was about 5 years ago I think). I did get immediate relief from the surgery though, and rehab was SPEEDY!!! Just to give you an idea of the extent of my injury (which it's weird to call it an 'injury', it was more a condition that was a way of life for me!)---there was no waiting for the results. . . when they injected the dye for the scan, it ran down my Femur---NO joint capsule there at ALL. Tech said he'd never seen something so crazy!!!
    Unfortunately now, the only option is a resurfacing. Not doing that until maybe the spring. So, I'd suggest the arthroscopy to clean it out, it buys you some time.
  • tallieterp
    tallieterp Posts: 257 Member
    I had the tear, had the surgery, having same issue again (surgery was about 5 years ago I think). I did get immediate relief from the surgery though, and rehab was SPEEDY!!! Just to give you an idea of the extent of my injury (which it's weird to call it an 'injury', it was more a condition that was a way of life for me!)---there was no waiting for the results. . . when they injected the dye for the scan, it ran down my Femur---NO joint capsule there at ALL. Tech said he'd never seen something so crazy!!!
    Unfortunately now, the only option is a resurfacing. Not doing that until maybe the spring. So, I'd suggest the arthroscopy to clean it out, it buys you some time.

    recovery time is def a concern for me... i used to surprise all the docs (was a gymnast and had multiple knee surgeries) because I would test out of PT after only a few weeks... but my last knee surgery last year went from a 3-4 week recovery to almost 4 months... guess you don't heal as quickly as you age... this waiting game is a killer!
  • tallieterp
    tallieterp Posts: 257 Member
    i have the same, suspected labral tear and cam impingement....

    had it for 6 months, sadly from what i see surgery will be the only cure (assuming its recommended after a further inspection using the mri anthrogram technique)

    not fun sitting....

    I've found the only comfortable position is on my stomach using a body pillow to prop my leg a little... not something i can pull off at work - ha...
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    I was told my rehab will be 4 to 6 months per hip. It will be longer for me because the doctor has to shave the bones that are causing the impingement and the tears.
  • tallieterp
    tallieterp Posts: 257 Member
    I was told my rehab will be 4 to 6 months per hip. It will be longer for me because the doctor has to shave the bones that are causing the impingement and the tears.

    ouch! hopefully, even though long, the recovery won't be too bad in the big scheme of things
  • tallieterp
    tallieterp Posts: 257 Member
  • info_nrs
    info_nrs Posts: 102 Member
    I had the tear, had the surgery, having same issue again (surgery was about 5 years ago I think). I did get immediate relief from the surgery though, and rehab was SPEEDY!!! Just to give you an idea of the extent of my injury (which it's weird to call it an 'injury', it was more a condition that was a way of life for me!)---there was no waiting for the results. . . when they injected the dye for the scan, it ran down my Femur---NO joint capsule there at ALL. Tech said he'd never seen something so crazy!!!
    Unfortunately now, the only option is a resurfacing. Not doing that until maybe the spring. So, I'd suggest the arthroscopy to clean it out, it buys you some time.

    recovery time is def a concern for me... i used to surprise all the docs (was a gymnast and had multiple knee surgeries) because I would test out of PT after only a few weeks... but my last knee surgery last year went from a 3-4 week recovery to almost 4 months... guess you don't heal as quickly as you age... this waiting game is a killer!

    Yep, ex-gymnast too. . . and I've had 3 knee surgeries. What you are talking about is classic gymnast hips. I wouldn't be surprised if you have hip dysplasia also. It's from what my docs like to call 'floppy joints'. . . (I can still turn my left foot completely around to face backwards, it's sort of scary!!!) coaches loved our flexibility in the sport, but didn't bother build up the muscles surrounding the joints, so they just pop out at will with no strong muscles to hold them in (that would be counter-productive to a gymnast ) :wink:

    Hip resurfacing is less traumatic than a hip replacement, and it's normally for those within a reasonable weight, young and active (you sort of lose the window of opportunity if you wait too long because then there is too much structural damage). It also leaves you with a more active hip, you don't have to worry about it dislocating if you cross your legs wrong!!! So, if it ends up that you will have to have the resurfacing (which I'm sure you will---sorry, you just are the classic case), it's not as bad as it seems. Good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • ALH1981
    ALH1981 Posts: 538 Member
    HOw did you go with the surgery? i have a femoral stress fracture that keeps reoccurring! i just want it to end but its not really….. grrrrr