Triplets - 21st birthday in 3 months

So, I am 1 of 3 triplets. Me, my sister and my brother.
I am the overweight one out of the 3 of us. My sister is about a size 8 and my brother is pretty fit.
So, I'm the odd one out.
I want my 21st to be an experience I'll enjoy and look back upon proudly, not something that I look back on and think, god damn, I wish I wasn't so fat.

SO, I will be using this motivation to hopefully keep me going for 3 months.

Problem is, is that I've been on many diets, or tried to anyway, lol
I've done MFP for a month, and fell off the wagon, then gained 5kg (10lbs)

I went to a weight watchers meeting today with my mum, who has been on it for over 3 months now and lost about 7kg (14lbs) which is amazing, she is now lighter then me.
I am 5'4, as is my mum and I weigh 68kg (150lbs) and mum weighs 63kg (140lbs)

It looks like weight watchers has worked for her, so I'm thinking of giving it try, and also doing it on this as well, to compare the two, and also stay in touch with the online community as it's such a great place.

I'd like to hear from other 19-25 year olds that have struggled with weight and what they do to overcome that and become thin and fit and healthy.
I struggle a lot.. just need some inspiration and all....

EDIT: I edited the height part, which is now correct at 5'4, I accidently said 6'4 and there were many confusions! lol sorry!


  • Clarina1980
    You are 6ft4?????
  • EmmyRose
    EmmyRose Posts: 54 Member
    yess lol I'm 6ft4, which is about 165cm tall.
    Kinda of short yeh.. lol
  • BlueEyedMomma88
    BlueEyedMomma88 Posts: 558 Member
    6'4 and 150 pounds seems like a good weight to me!! I bet u look great! :smile:
  • mlemonroe2
    mlemonroe2 Posts: 603
    is that right? 6foot 4?? if so, your BMI is considered under weight.
  • sandram82
    sandram82 Posts: 615 Member
    Your 6 foot 4 and 150 lbs pounds.. and you think your fat?????

    Your BMI is: 18.3
    Target weight range: 152.0 - 205.4 lbs

    Your mom is actually under the healthy and your on the line.... I think you are EXACTLY where you should be! Just need to maintain!!
  • sandram82
    sandram82 Posts: 615 Member
    6 foot 4 is NOT Short...
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    you mean 5'4"?

    165cm is 5'4", not 6'4"
  • brendansmom1
    brendansmom1 Posts: 530 Member
    yess lol I'm 6ft4, which is about 165cm tall.
    Kinda of short yeh.. lol

    That would be 5'4". :) (165cm)

    You don't have too much to lose! In fact, that is probably the high end of normal weight for your height :)

    Welcome, and I am sure you will love it here!

    Good luck on your journey!

  • EmmyRose
    EmmyRose Posts: 54 Member
    my bad
    biggest typo..

    oops, sorry yes i meant 5'4
  • sandram82
    sandram82 Posts: 615 Member
    165 cm is more like 5 foot 4! I bet you still look great.. and thats not short.... more average!
  • sandram82
    sandram82 Posts: 615 Member
    165 cm is more like 5 foot 4! I bet you still look great.. and thats not short.... more average!
  • mlemonroe2
    mlemonroe2 Posts: 603
    my bad
    biggest typo..

    oops, sorry yes i meant 5'4

    Ha Ha Ha!!! I was thinking you had a major self-image issue!!!! I am 5 foot 4 as well ( on the short side, yes) 140 is the top of the healthy BMI scale for us! You can do that in 3 months for sure!
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    Start today...with Clean eatin' & excerise...! Get to where you want to be...! :wink:
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    Hey there! You can lose 10 pounds in 3 months, no problem as long as you are motivated! You have the benefit of youth on your side too, your metbolism is working with you :)
  • laurenlei
    laurenlei Posts: 96
    Im 5'3 and was 142lbs when i started this. Im now around 131lbs and thats jut using MFP and going to the gym.... a lot! My eating hasnt improved to be honest, my downfall is chocolate, i eat loads of it everyday but as of today my diet is having a hugeeee make over! So really, my weight loss has probably been down to just hard core gyming! I run, do classes (spinning, zumba) and started 30DS last week. It can be done!!! Just work hard!!!
  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    A triplet! That is so awesome. If I have kids I'd love to have twins. It's highly unlikely though :(
    Anyway, stick with us girlie and you'll lose that weight for sure!
  • Martha_VH
    Martha_VH Posts: 386 Member
    I am 26 years old now.

    I am also 5'4''. I have never done weight watchers, but you can do both of them. I think that doing both will give you even better success. I have been on MFP since the last weekend of January. I have lost over 20 pounds in 3 months, and I think you can do it too.

    Although I had a starting weight that was higher, mine was 195, and I would LOVE to get down to 160 pounds.

    My biggest tip is to not look at it as a large chunk, like I have to watch what I eat for 3 months. Take it one day at a time. Try eating 4-5 smaller meals, and enjoy them. If for one meal you don't eat healthy, just track it here, and start again with healthy choices the next meal. And allow yourself a little bit of foods you love. (For me that is chocolate, 1 piece a day )

    This is also something I still struggle with, that if I one day go over my calories, I say whatever, I'm already over so I'll just eat something else too. Then I would eat a bag of chips or too many cookies and forget all the work I put into the good part of the day. I'm working really hard not to do that. I do think its okay to go over your calorie goal by 100-200 occasionally. But I know that if I control myself, even if I do go over by a few calories, I can still stay on track.

    Good luck, I bet that you can lose 10-15 pounds too!

    You can do this!