
I find myself eating less and losing the weight but smoking a whole lot more......its hard work cutting out the snacking and smoking :smokin:


  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Me too. I've found it easier to quit food than it is to quit smoking. Long story short, I watched my mother die of lung cancer (non-smoker) and still can't quit smoking. Someday though.
  • AngelaPowPowPOW
    I'm not quitting until I get this food thing under control. One vise at a time.
  • mumma2boyz
    mumma2boyz Posts: 109 Member
    Im so glad im not the only one.
  • NickStar247
    NickStar247 Posts: 9 Member
    Sorry to hear is hard, and i think like ang said one thing at a time is probably the easiest way to deal with it.
  • SweetP88
    SweetP88 Posts: 79
    I also smoke more when I eat less!! I can only fight one demon at a time....I am going to put forth my best effort to quit smoking in a few weeks (now that I've reached my goal weight) so that I can begin training for my first half marathon. Crazy that I can run that far now but just imagine how fast and strong I would be with healthier lungs!! :tongue:
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Yea same here...I actually quit smoking before I started working out and eating right again....and then slowly started back up...I am up to about 4 cigarettes a day now :(
  • Asomething
    Asomething Posts: 62 Member
    I miss smoking, I mean REALLY miss it - I feel your pain! I have 3 kiddos, I think they are the ONLY reason I was able to quit. But, it actually took me several years to do it - good luck!
  • kettlewitch
    kettlewitch Posts: 277 Member
    I smoked more the first few weeks but it's levelled out more now. Still on 15 - 20 a day and wanted to cut to 10 as from tomorrow but I'm ill and in pain from gallstones so I don't think it's going to happen. Hoping to try after the evil gallbladdr has gone and want to be packed up by November
  • Aspynmom
    Aspynmom Posts: 166 Member
    Yup, smoker here too....Once I get my weight off I plan to quit. I'm hoping my healthy lifestyle will be habit by then so any weight I gain while quitting smoking will be easier to take off. That's my PLAN, anway!!!
  • bstiver
    bstiver Posts: 57 Member
    I quit back in Nov. and it is part of the reason I ended up on here. I gained a ton of wieght.
  • NickStar247
    NickStar247 Posts: 9 Member
    its catch 22 guys...cut smoking out start snacking, start smoking cut snacking lol....keep it up peeps x
  • michelellawrence
    good luck to all of you! I quit 4 months ago tomorrow...and gained about 30 lbs! Now I begin the struggle of cutting the fat back off! I agree it is a catch 22.... I told my girlfriend, I am saving my lungs, but killing my heart...what's a girl to do! :)
  • NickStar247
    NickStar247 Posts: 9 Member
    keep it up hun....just gotta get the balance right.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Im trying to do both right now,its really really hard. Ive cut down but can not seem to stop compleatly.
  • NickStar247
    NickStar247 Posts: 9 Member
    i think its a lot to ask to do both at once hun...dont beat yourself up concentrate on 1 at a time x
  • michelellawrence
    I loved smoking, and smoked a little over a pack a day for 23 years. I used Chantix and didnt have too hard a time. And the dreams you have are crazy. Some people can't handle the dreams, but I got a kick out of them... funny how screwed up your own mind can be!! LOL anyway, good luck, and dont give up! :)
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    yeah its time though ive been smoking for 20 years,so im starting to see alot of complications from it.
    Im lucky in the sense that it quiting does not make me want to eat more,it kinda does the oppisit and i dont want to eat anything which can be bad also. Im trying to ween myself of them slowly.Ive gone from a pack a day to 6 a day.
    Its funny because I kicked a long time drug habit with no problem,but smoking is way harder than that was.
  • NickStar247
    NickStar247 Posts: 9 Member
    going down to 6 a day is on at least 20.
  • Zuznana
    Zuznana Posts: 284 Member
    I was there. I still miss it on the odd day of stress, but generally I found it easy this time around. Stopped using patches about 2 weeks ago as well. I just don't think about them as much. The big test for me will be in Prague, staying with my mum who smokes...that will probably be very painful mentally.

    Well done to you who stopped and to those who are going to stop one really is not that bad. Just take one day at a time. :smile:
  • leanne2376
    leanne2376 Posts: 217
    I smoke too. I am on 10 a day trying to cut down but i just love it and i also find it difficult not to eat when i gave up in the past so i am not fully quitting until i am at a suitable weight and have my emotional eating under control