Anyone suggestions?

WVBayouGal Posts: 45
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
I do well during the day with my food intake.....all the way through dinner. I always have extra calories left so I can have a snack.Which is great!!! I am losing I'm happy. BUT...with those evening snacks, it's like once I start eating I don't want to stop!!! I do, but it takes every ounce of self-control, but I feel like eating my arm off. If I go to bed, I don't sleep and lay there thinking about food! I have mobility problems, so I can't exercise to take my mind off of food...I can barely walk as it is. It's like an obsession....but it only starts AFTER dinner!! Keeping my fingers on this keyboard helps, but as soon as I put it down, try to watch TV...that voice in the kitchen is not just calling, but YELLING my name out...."Come see what you can find in here" I don't keep junk food, because I know better. Heck, I'll think about eating toast and jelly, even spinach....just as long as it is's that bad! Anyone got any suggestions??


  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    brush your teeth immediately after your evening snack. Toothpaste makes everything taste bad.
  • Heather1776
    Heather1776 Posts: 46 Member
    Chew gum?
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    You could try always having a mug of tea (or something) to signal to your body/brain that you're done eating. Obviously, it would be hard at first, but maybe eventually, your body would figure out that the tea = no more food. Good luck!
  • joannbuist23
    joannbuist23 Posts: 127 Member
    You are not alone, my cravings always pick up in the evenings. I'd say to relax and take a hot bath, that always takes my mind off of things. I feel much better afterwards.
  • Get your mind involved in something else... Remember- positive self talk! You have to change what the voices in ur head are telling you... It is hard at first, but once u dont have that little devil on ur shoulder anymore, its a lot easier! We started a biggest loser contest @ work and we decided to wear bracelets. We add a bead for every pound we lose. We never take them off. Its a nice visual & before I eat that cookie. I see my beads & think twice!!!
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    Get your mind involved in something else... Remember- positive self talk! You have to change what the voices in ur head are telling you... It is hard at first, but once u dont have that little devil on ur shoulder anymore, its a lot easier! We started a biggest loser contest @ work and we decided to wear bracelets. We add a bead for every pound we lose. We never take them off. Its a nice visual & before I eat that cookie. I see my beads & think twice!!!

    What a great idea!
  • Thanks for the suggestions...I have tried the gum....even bubble gum to keep me entertained...LOL I'll try drinking tea and also brushing my teeth. If I could just get my brain to turn off, I'd be a step ahead. I appreciate your input!!
  • Get your mind involved in something else... Remember- positive self talk! You have to change what the voices in ur head are telling you... It is hard at first, but once u dont have that little devil on ur shoulder anymore, its a lot easier! We started a biggest loser contest @ work and we decided to wear bracelets. We add a bead for every pound we lose. We never take them off. Its a nice visual & before I eat that cookie. I see my beads & think twice!!!

    The bracelet is a great idea!!! I think I do need some kind of visual..a quck fix kind of thing. I have always had a hard time curbing my food impulses, that's why I weigh so much now. I don't work and have a lot of stress in my life right the only support I get is from this site. I've also have never been much good at positive self talk!! That is my downfall... I need to fix my 'brain train'. Thanks so much for your imput!!!!
  • I like the bracelet idea too! Maybe we could start a group on MFP!
  • Heidi, that sounds like a great idea....a bracelet group on MFP.
  • I increased my daily calorie maybe trick my head. It seems when I have used all my calories is when I really want something to, if I up my calories available, and still have calories left at the end of the day, my brain will NOT feel like I'm being deprived. It's like when I hit that 0 calories left, my brains says..."You can't tell me I can't have anythng else to eat!" So, by going to bed with some calories left over, if I really want to have another snack I can, and if not, I'm still above the 1200 calorie minimum. Let's see if this helps...:bigsmile:
  • I agree with the tea. I read a hot beverage after a meal helps you feel full. I know it works for me. You might try green tea, which is supposed to help burn fat, not sure how much you'd have to drink, but heck, every little bit helps
  • Walorie
    Walorie Posts: 44
    I agree...I love the bead idea! Wear them as a bracelet for now...and as we succeed the will end up as a beautiful reminder of were we have been...thanks!:happy:
  • mabear74
    mabear74 Posts: 248
    Evenings used to be the hardest time for me.........I do not eat after dinner at all. If I try and have a snack I know it will lead to even more eating. After Dinner I have a cup of hot tea, then I go and brush my teeth, and use listerine (because it has such a strong taste) then even if I would eat nothing would taste right. If I start feeling the munchies again I would have another cup of tea. After doing this for a few weeks I started to notice that my "need" to eat in the evenings was gone. Good Luck!
  • I used to have this problem too! Once I started drinking more water during the day, that really helped me to end most of the cravings. :)

    Also, I really love the bead idea!
  • RajwaJ
    RajwaJ Posts: 191 Member
    Maybe your body isn't crying out for food but water? Thirst and hunger both feel the same. Try a glass of water. :)
  • Sassinak
    Sassinak Posts: 1 Member
    Perhaps try to figure out why you obsess about eating/snacking. Something I told the ladies at my office really hit home, when I confessed that since I am a single mom I spend my days taking care of everyone else (what woman doesn't tend to do this), and I rarely do something for myself, and even when I do, I'm usually thinking of how I can tweak that self indulgence to benefit someone else. So I realised that the only time I really do something totally for myself, is when I eat- and that's how I rationalize eating a brownie for breakfast etc... So many women looked at me with that "OMG, that's exaclty how I feel" look. But unfortunately it doesn't stop at just realizing this- I had to take steps to change it, so I thought of things I could do for myself (JUST MYSELF) because I am worth it. It keeps me from falling into that, "Well, I deserve this dessert for working so hard" mentality. And if you have to snack- celery (plain)- you burn more calories in eating it than the celery gives you... Hope this helps.
  • Artemis726
    Artemis726 Posts: 587 Member
    I'm a big fan of the Extra Dessert gum (Strawberry Shortcake, Key Lime Pie, Mint Chocolate Chip). It takes care of the "I HAVE to have something else, something sweet" cravings I get after dinner.
  • VixFit2011
    VixFit2011 Posts: 663 Member
    Good Earth Original tea, great flavor , either regular or decaf, and it's sweet but no sugar.
  • atucker_mom
    atucker_mom Posts: 88 Member
    I am an evening snacker, too. I save calories for the evening. I also "close" my kitchen after I finish my bedtime snack. I know it sounds silly, but it helps me trigger my brain that it is time to stop eating. I shut the lights off and stay out!

    I think the water thing might help, but I know that I can not drink my water after 6pm. It will cause me to have to get up and down all night for the bathroom. I try to consume all my water before dinner.

    Good luck, and let us know if anything helps.
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