what is wrong with me....

I am in a vent mood...sorry

I have so many people that come into my business and try to sale me something to "help" me lose weight. This is all i have heard for the past 2 weeks..."If you drink this shake instead of supper and have one for lunch you'll lose up to 7 lbs a week", "if you take this pill you'll lose 30 lbs" and had one CRITICIZE me after seen my 1.4 lb loss on FB. You could loss more than that if you would just drink this shake..I'm sorry I AM NOT interested in shakes or quick fixes...YES I would LOVE to see the pounds disappear overnight but its not gonna happen.Then I have those telling me I need to exercise more....ugh...do they not pay attention? Maybe if I push myself and work out as much as I can I can lose more than 2lbs a week, I dont know, but I work 16 plus hours a day (on my feet walking all day), have 3 kids to care for, and a house to clean when i get home yet I DO make time to work out but i feel like I am doing all I can to get in that hour of exercise in the evening. Do they think I wouldn't kill to have more energy? To work out non stop all day??
Then i have these people that come in knowing I have to bake these goodies, pies, desserts and ask me if its hard...are you not losing faster because you cheat with a nibble here and there? No I have this stuff in my face and in my hands ALL Day and yes there have been times I let myself go crazy and devour scones, cakes, EVERYTHING...but I am serious about my weight loss. I am tired of looking like this, cant they be a little more supportive. YES it is very hard to work where I do, but its what I love doing.
I dont know if I'm even making any sense. I'm just in a mood where all I want to do is bawl my eyes out and everything is just bothering me.


  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Keep doing it the healthy, sustainable way and ignore them. Let your LONG TERM success speak for you. :wink:
  • Windi38
    Windi38 Posts: 164 Member
    hang in there, sweetie. I have days like that as well. Where I feel totally inadequate. But we are all different, and our bodies all respond differently to things. What works for one will not work for another. And good for you to stay away from those shakes and pills. If it were that easy, we'd ALL be skinny wouldn't we?

  • RajwaJ
    RajwaJ Posts: 191 Member
    Don't you just love how customers think they can just talk to you like that? If you walked into their place of work and said the same I bet it would be different. I think the most popular thing I hear is "Eating again? No wonder you are so fat". YES I am eating again because every time you come in its LUNCHTIME! *hits head on wall!! Continue venting my dear. Get it out, cleanse and then know that the only person your health matters to is YOU and YOU know you are doing what is good for you and you are doing good.
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    It's great that you've made the decision to do it the right way. It's also great that you've got all this off your chest. Don't worry about feeling the way you do, it will pass and yes you could probably take a 'magic' pill to accelerate things but you know what would happen in the end.

    You are doing it the right way and as well as caring for your family and working you are doing an outstanding job. 1lb at a time IS the way to go. Be encouraged and just think of how many 1lbs you would have lost in 3 months time. Well done and keep up the fantastic work.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • bethikabob
    bethikabob Posts: 128 Member
    *hug* Keep doing what's right for you. As far as I'm concerned they can suck it! Crude, but sometimes you have to tell youself that they don't control you and they probably don't know your life or what's best for you. I agree with ladyhawk--healthy, sustainable way and ignore the *kitten* (easier said than done but it will make u feel better):flowerforyou: .
  • jojopel
    jojopel Posts: 348 Member
    You have the right attitude - slowly, but surely. It's the best way to lose weight safely and in a healthy manner. You'ill have great days and, let's face it, not so good days. As long as you don't let the not so good days get you down you'll reach your goals. As for the people trying to "help" you, they are being ignorant and rude. As hard as it is, try to ignore them and not let them get to you. You are doing this for yourself. Surround yourself with supportive people and trust yourself. You CAN do this!
  • ladyphoebe
    ladyphoebe Posts: 46 Member
    Hang in there. I have the same problem but its my family asking me when Im gonna lose the weight. I hear things like the baby is 10 months old now. You should really lose the baby weight. I just ignore them and go on with my program. Just make sure you are focusing on the people that are supporting you in the long journey and it will all work out. We are cheering you on.
  • tobitude
    tobitude Posts: 89 Member
    Everybody has their advice for those losing weight or those that they think need to lose weight, these people are usually lacking something in their life when they are so set on letting you know what you need to do.

    Who cares, I just look at them and say "you know what? I am all good" !!!

    Don't let their advice get to you, feel sorry for them knowing they will never be truly happy or healthy using the quick fixes and turn it around on them and give them some advice LOL.
  • Monica_in_MO
    Monica_in_MO Posts: 162 Member
    I have several friends who lost large amounts of weight with quick fix methods like that. I am watching now as they put the weight right back on and I am smirking inside as I continue to lose 2 pounds per week!! The turtle wins the race EVERY time I read the story!! Stick with the lifestyle change and ignore them.
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    Why should they be supportive they are trying to sell you something, they are trying to make a living. So just stick to your guns and pay no attention to the man behind the curtain (wizard of oz) just do what you feel comfortable doing
  • schlubba
    schlubba Posts: 26
    If it were me, I'd probably keep some not so obvious web addy's to hand back to them, tell em you'll take thier info if they take yours. Have some websites for member enlargement and ED for the men, and maybe botox, breast enhancement, or wrinkle cream for the women. They might start leavin you alone.
  • trixylewis
    trixylewis Posts: 197 Member
    keep it up girl! you have an awesome attitude, way to be!
  • sparklesammy
    sparklesammy Posts: 465 Member
    slow and steady wins the race....

    (ive been racing for 3 years 4 months and 30 days)
  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    Keep it up and ignore the "doubters, shouter, and the pouters". You've got the right attitude. A Jillian Michaels quote that helps me get through rough patches is: "You didn't get this way overnight, don't expect it to come off overnight." You've got this and will be successful. Good luck!
  • nctj
    nctj Posts: 36
    thank you all for the comments...these are the type of comments I need to keep me motivated. Thank you so much!! Hugs to you all!
  • xMissy6x
    xMissy6x Posts: 347 Member
    Congrats to you for doing it the right way! We are here to lose it for good, not a quick fix. I don't see that sort of thing as a possible Long term. Hang in there!! I delete them lol. I don't like pushy sales people.
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    ignore them - who cares what they think !?!? you will be kicking *kitten* in the long run! and most likely some are just trying to help but they dont know the right ways to do it obviously. you are doing it RIGHT
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    You will get there your own way! I'm sure people will stop with the stupid comments soon when you can't be swayed. Perhaps peoples comments, however misguided are meant to be supportive?? People can be dumb lol. I try to keep fb weight posts to big things like when i hit 30 pounds lost this time last year (gain some back and working at it again) as i find it easier to keep my journey over here at mfp..
  • katrcortez
    katrcortez Posts: 8 Member
    Sometimes we just get stuck at a certain weight. You are doing all the right things by keeping active and making the right food choices. Happiness is not found in a number on the scale...you are leading a healthy, active lifestyle, and that is so much more important!