Let's talk calories

beth0277 Posts: 217 Member
I'm cross posting this since I didn't get any responses on the food/nutrition forum and thought maybe some with success could give me some input...

I've lost weight in the past with low calorie diets, specifically the 1200 calories/day that MFP recommends for me. But each time I have crashed and burned because I felt so deprived and gained it all back and then some. I feel like my magic number is 1500. I can feel fulfilled on that number. Problem is, I don't know how much, if any weight I will lose with that many calories. I am 5'4" and 190 pounds. I want to lose around 50 pounds. I know I can burn calories by exercising, and do plan to, but I have never been that consistent. I want to know that I can lose by my food and that exercise is just extra. Am I doomed to either 1200 calories/day or being obese?


  • Menix8
    Menix8 Posts: 210 Member
    If you're under 40 years old you should most definitely be eating at least 1500 calories a day. Without exercise you should lose about .5 lb a week eating 1500, assuming you're tracking accurately.

    If you're over 40, you can still lose weight on a sedentary 1500 calorie diet, but the margins will be smaller and you'll have to really watch your portions.
  • skinnyD2308
    skinnyD2308 Posts: 92 Member
    If restricting to 1200 calorie per day leads to hunger and binging, then it won't work for you.

    I am 5'4" and have lost 26 pounds (going from 211 to 185) in five months by eating between 1650 - 2100 calories per day. I set my MFP settings to maintenance (refresh every month at my new weight) and my goal is to eat under that as many days in a month as I can (so far 22 days in a month is my average). I give myself permission to eat up to my maintenance calories when I am crazy hungry, for special occassions, and during PMS. Sometimes I go over, but my deficits, most of the time off-set, those days. I am satisfied with the way I am eating, this method has drastically reduced my binge eating, and I am losing a steady 2-4 pounds per month. The more I practice logging and meal planning, the more of a deficit I create, but I rarely eat close to 1200 calories per day. Lately, I've been averaging about 1500-1800 calories per day and mu weight loss has not slowed down yet. I only walk and do some push ups, crunches, squats for my exercise currently. According to TDEE calulators, a lightly active 5'4" woman in her late 30s can maintain a weight of 135 pounds on 1730 calories a day. I think I could eat that way forever, so that is what I strive to do now.

    So my thoughts are this
    -you are not doomed to 1200/day
    -you are not doomed to being obese
    -perhaps to just be a bit more moderate in your approach

    My diary is open, and you can add me as a friend if you like.
  • kangaroux92
    kangaroux92 Posts: 188 Member
    i currently eat 1200/1400 calories and for some reason this time i dont feel as deprived as i did in the past. idk why that is, maybe its the food im eating. i have the same issue as you do, i do not loose eating 1500 i have to stay lower than that. i would try 1400/1500 for at least a month. than reduce if you dont have any progress, if you have to reduce eat quality foods. oatmeal is a good day starter for me the grain really sustains me. and get in plenty of protein and fiber. it could be that the quality of foods wasnt enough to satisfy you . veggies are great but it leaves me with an empty full if you know what i mean so i don't eat a tone of them just enough.
  • beamer0821
    beamer0821 Posts: 488 Member
    im 5'4" and 199. I'm successfully losing at 1500 even 1600/day sometimes. thats without exercise. (I'm slowly working on incorporating that piece).
  • beth0277
    beth0277 Posts: 217 Member
    I should also add that I have had a big problem with binge eating in the past (in preparation for my "diet" that would start the next day that never happened) so it wouldn't be uncommon for me to eat probably 3,000 calories a day. Let's see...a "normal" day for me could look like this - breakfast- muffin (350 cals) coffee with loads of creamer (130 cals) lunch - fried foods from the cafeteria (1200 cals) snack - cookies and candy bar (400 cals) dinner - out to eat (2000 cals) pint of ice cream (1000 cals). Wow, that's actually 5080 calories. That wouldn't be an extreme day by any stretch of the imagination, so I'm hoping cutting to 1500 will help me since it's probably such a drastic change.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I took your stats and plugged them into a TDEE calculator (http://iifym.com/tdee-calculator/). You use about 1900 calories per day if you're sedentary. That means that, without any additional exercise, you could eat anything below that number and lose weight. At 1500 calories you're eating 400 calories less than your body uses so you could expect to lose a little less than a pound a week. That sounds like great progress to me!

    My guess is that you went straight to the most aggressive weight loss goal that MFP would set - 2 pounds per week (most people do). If so, you might consider resetting your goals to something like 1 pound per week and see where it sets you. You might be more comfortable following MFP's set-up that way.
  • cosmichvoyager
    cosmichvoyager Posts: 237 Member
    too much calorie restriction is a recipe for failure, imo. Don't be impatient--slower loss will be more pleasant and manageable anyway. I set MFP to .5 lb a week loss to start and recently went up to 1 lb, now that I am about 6 months into this and feel like I have a decent handle on myself...

    The main thing I have learned: being hungry all the time is not how I want to live.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    If that's your normal diet, I'd say part of the problem with you feeling deprived and hungry all the time is your choice of foods. Where's the protein, fruit and veggies? I'm not saying you have to go to the opposite extreme but a little more balance to your diet will help. Instead of both candy bars and ice cream, pick one and have a reasonable serving. Have fruits, veggies, yogurt, etc for your other snacks. Instead of the cafeteria food, could you pack your own lunches?
  • beth0277
    beth0277 Posts: 217 Member
    Yes, that is my "unhealthy" diet. Now I am eating much more reasonably; oatmeal and fruits for breakfast, yogurt/smoothie for snack, lean protein and veggies for lunch, nuts/fruit/etc for snack, and a lean protein for dinner with maybe a smart ones ice cream for dessert. I had that "binge" diet for probably 6 months straight and gained 40 pounds but kept promising to go on my "diet" the next day. Feeling restricted is really hard for me so that is why when I have went to 1200 cal/day diets I crash and start binging. I feel pretty content with 1500/day.
  • keshabbaker
    keshabbaker Posts: 152 Member
    You can lose with 1400-1500 calories a day I am only 5'2 mid 30's and I lost weight with eating 1750 a day when i first started. I think you will see a difference but it may take longer and be sure to measure and take pictures sometimes the scale refuses to move and it can make you want to just eat anyways.
  • beth0277
    beth0277 Posts: 217 Member
    Oh, I didn't add...I just turned 30, so I somewhat have time on my side.
  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    beth0277 wrote: »
    I should also add that I have had a big problem with binge eating in the past (in preparation for my "diet" that would start the next day that never happened) so it wouldn't be uncommon for me to eat probably 3,000 calories a day. Let's see...a "normal" day for me could look like this - breakfast- muffin (350 cals) coffee with loads of creamer (130 cals) lunch - fried foods from the cafeteria (1200 cals) snack - cookies and candy bar (400 cals) dinner - out to eat (2000 cals) pint of ice cream (1000 cals). Wow, that's actually 5080 calories. That wouldn't be an extreme day by any stretch of the imagination, so I'm hoping cutting to 1500 will help me since it's probably such a drastic change.

    If you're making that drastic of a change no wonder you crash and burn! If that's what you used to eat in a day, I would suggest dropping gradually. Start at like 2,200 of healthy calories and nutrient rich food - lots of protein and healthy fats from things such as nuts and oils. Protein will keep you feeling fuller longer.

    Are you working out? If you're working out, that gives you some more wiggle room for additional calories. Don't completely deprive yourself though - the combination of your previous diet with an extreme swing in the opposite direction will probably only add to how quickly you crash and burn. I still eat the things I love - chocolate, chips (MY ALL TIME FAVE!!!!) and so on but I eat them in moderation and I'm careful about over doing it. If you have issues with control and binge eating what I would maybe say is to cut our your trigger binge foods for bit until you learn, for yourself, how to control these foods and your intake of them - that's what I had to do. So for a while I didn't consume these foods but eventually I re-introduced them into my diet when I knew I wouldn't sit and eat a whole Costco sized bag of chips.

    I have had issues with binge eating, too! If you ever need to chat or are looking for some support feel free to add me :) I'm definitely here to listen if you need me and share my experience with you.
  • beth0277
    beth0277 Posts: 217 Member
    I'm not working out consistently. I would like to, and plan to, but I know that if I throw everything into the mix at once I will get discouraged. I am trying to do some light exercising (like walking, which I did this weekend) until I can get my eating on track and then start with a more structured routine.
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    Do you have it set to lose 2lbs/week? You can set it to a less aggressive rate. I changed mine to 1 lb/week and it raised my calories to 1330. When I exercise it gives me more. It is much easier for me to stick to this. I am a lot older but a similar size.
  • sarahsedai
    sarahsedai Posts: 273 Member
    i started at 223 lbs, i'm 5'5... started at 1200 calories... no exercise. i was losing pretty quickly, and many of the days, i didn't feel deprived, but some days i did. like i said, i don't exercise, but i am a manager at a large retail store and spend a lot of the day making laps around the store, and moving fixtures, unloading freight, etc... and decided to raise my calorie goal.

    i've tried calorie counting here before, and set it at that low calorie goal and ended up getting discouraged and giving up when i fairly regularly went over that goal by a couple hundred calories cause it just wasnt cutting it. i am not knocking the 1200 calorie a day people, i think it can work and you can make choices that leave you feeling full -and- hitting your macros, but its not for everyone, and that's okay. i decided to bump up to 1500. i feel good right about there. some days i eat a little more, some days a little less.. but it seems to be balancing out.
  • kamack1215
    kamack1215 Posts: 109 Member
    I am currently almost 5'2 204lbs and am trying to stick to a 1200 cal/day diet. I found it extremely hard at the start but then I started making better food choices and incorporating a lot of veggies into my diet and making sure i'm getting protein (usually through eggs). Now I do not feel near as hungry and someday I find it hard to hit the 1200 because I am eating lots of snacks and decent size meals; I am just choosing different foods. Don't get me wrong; I keep a bag of chocolate chips in the house for cravings and 1tbsp is only 70 calories.

    The major thing I recommend is changing the types for food you eat and giving your body time to adjust. Take out the high calorie foods one at a time. Cutting those foods out cold turkey will just make you want them more. I went from eating out 3 meals a day to maybe eating out 4 times a month and I don't crave those high calorie greasy foods anymore. It took me 2 1/2 months but it worked.
  • pinkiezoom
    pinkiezoom Posts: 409 Member
    i am five foot 4 and a smidge, and weight 202 pounds, and I eat 1750 cals a day and have lost a stone and a half, yes i go to the gym, but not every day and i eat what i like, just in moderation, its a lifestyle change for me rather than a diet.
    ~I refuse to be miserable all my life on a small amount of cals, so a sensible amount and walking or something will really help you, my diary is open.... have a look :)
  • beth0277
    beth0277 Posts: 217 Member
    Thanks everyone. That is sort of how I feel, pinkiezoom. I refuse to be miserable but can be sensible. A book I read once had the advice "Don't do anything to lose weight that you don't want to do for the rest of your life" and eating 1200 calories a day for the rest of my life sounds like torture. Those extra 300 calories/day I allow myself somehow give me more hope and calmness with the whole process. Some days I eat 1500, some a little more, some a little less, but I feel content with this number and I am confident the weight will come off, maybe more slowly than I would like, but at least I can enjoy myself a little.
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Sounds like you have a sensible and sustainable plan in place now. Exercise will come as you lose weight. You'll feel better and because of that, you'll feel motivated to do other healthy things. Be patient (hard, I know) because what you are doing WILL give you results. Try to enjoy the process of learning new habits and recipes, dealing with small setbacks, etc, and look at the scale in 30 days. Sometimes no set weight as an expectation can lead to a surprise :)
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