Newbie on a 12 week challenge!

I woke up this morning with a pizza hangover and realised that it's 12 weeks till my summer holiday! Yikes! Scary but no better time for a challenge... I have decided this will be MY happy summer!! :) (not my summer of hiding my arms away!)

Started tracking using the app again this morning, and will be blogging to keep me motivated. Would be happy to share support with some new friends.. I'm 32, f and from London, UK.

Good luck to everyone in their goals! Xxx


  • JLink823
    JLink823 Posts: 13
    You can friend me! I'm 32, female and from Kentucky, USA. I just finished the 8 week GSP Rushfit program, lost 8 lbs and a dress size! My only goal this year was to tone my arms and ended up toning everything. I don't want to hide this summer either ...
    Good luck!!!
  • natashaclasby
    you can friend me too, im 26 f and from dublin :) i woke up today with a pizza hangover too.......booo! join in the fun here!! :)
  • happy_summer
    Thanks so much for the replies! I have added you both! :)
    Forgot to mention my challenge is to lose 20 pounds in 12 weeks... Not sure if it's doable or not but I will give it my best!!!

    Thanks again for the support :) xxx
  • jescadet
    jescadet Posts: 14 Member
    I'm female, 29, & live in New York City. I'm using summer plans as major motivation to revamp my diet too. Feel free to friend me, I'm looking forward to seeing your progress!