Pie Chart help!

AllieUK Posts: 22 Member
Just getting back into using MyFitnessPal, last time I used it on my iPhone, but I've got a Nokia Windows phone now and the app is all different! Eek.

The only thing I'm struggling with is I can't for the life of me find the thing that puts all your good into a pie chart and lets you know how much fat/carbs etc you've had. I can't even find it on the website!

Any help??

Cheers :)
- Allie


  • RaspberryTickleChicken
    Hello & WB to MFP! :)

    If you are looking at MFP - UPPER RIGHT hand corner you should see 3 lines

    If you click on it - a menu should come up

    What you are looking for should be the 3rd item down from your profile titled NUTRITION with a mini pie chart icon

    Hope this helps!

  • PowerfulHunt
    PowerfulHunt Posts: 281 Member
    As far as I'm aware, the pie chart is not a feature on the website. It is only functional on the mobile app. The above user is correct.. except on my mobile app, the 3 lines are found in the upper left (not upper right).
  • AllieUK
    AllieUK Posts: 22 Member
    Is this for the Windows App? Because I can't find the pie chart button at all! I've found the nutrition but the pie chart is still elusive. Maybe I'm a little blind? Theres no 3 lines at all :(
  • RaspberryTickleChicken
    OOOOOOO my bad ... you have the WINDOWS phone!! I thought it was an everyday Android! I'm so sorry ... I don't know a darn thing about the Windows phones! :(
  • 99random
    99random Posts: 5 Member
    I too have the windows apps and there is no pie chart feature for nutrients which is why I came to the website, assuming that I could find it here. The windows mobile app is definitely lagging in features behind the iOS & android versions. Very disappointing. before getting my windows phone I used LoseIt on my iPhone which did have this pie chart feature but unfortunately LoseIt is not available for Windows phone.
  • Ledet1
    Ledet1 Posts: 1 Member
    Can someone help me set-up the pie chart (Macro Percentage's) on my iMac computer.? I'm not using a smart phone.. thanks.