When do you weigh yourself... I'm scale obsessed now!



  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    I weigh as often as I want because im curious, but i also dont take it too seriously and know about fluctuations. I also use tape and performance measures in the gym. I like information and keep it in perspective. Do whatever suits you.
  • Debbjones
    Debbjones Posts: 278 Member
    I wish 3 years ago I would have taken measurements... They are so much more informative after time than basic pounds or weight loss. That said, I am scale obsessed as well! After 3 years, I just learned to accept it! I posted the comment below to a different forum on the topic of weighing and weight fluctuation this morning, it sorta sums up MY opinion...

    Most people say "the best time to weigh yourself is in the morning, naked, post-toilet, pre-food"... I sorta dispute that belief! I have a bit of an OCD going since my 90 pound weight loss and I weigh myself 2 times as day. First thing in the morning (as described above) and when I get home from work, before I consume dinner after I change out of my dress work clothes (yes I am naked and post-potty!). For the last month everyday I see a fluctuation of several pounds between morning and night. For example yesterday my morning weight was 104.8 (lbs) evening weight 101.2 (lbs). When I see it drop so low, I know to eat a little more at dinner. These are standard consistent readings FOR ME. Just remember, everyone is different (and I don't work out!).

    All that said I agree with everyone here, fluctuation will happen. As long as there is a calorie deficit, you "should" see weight loss in the long run... unless there is an "underlying medical condition".

    Best success in your journey. It sounds like you are are taking the right path. :)
  • mitchfergustitus
    mitchfergustitus Posts: 28 Member
    I weigh myself twice a day, once in the morning after doing bathroom duties, and then right before I go to bed. I don't stress over the scale going up and down. To me, it's like the stock market...it has it's ups and downs as well. I do want to see the scale weight trending down though. But don't just use the scale as your only means of measuring your progress. Take your measurements, before and after pictures, keep a work out journal, and if possible, get your body fat percentag tested. Doing that will give you a much more accurate picture of how you're doing.
  • mitchfergustitus
    mitchfergustitus Posts: 28 Member
    999tigger wrote "I weigh as often as I want because im curious, but i also dont take it too seriously and know about fluctuations. I also use tape and performance measures in the gym. I like information and keep it in perspective. Do whatever suits you"

    I also like information and the more, the better
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I weigh in the morning. I don't have any particular schedule. Sometimes I don't weigh for a month, sometimes every couple of weeks, sometimes weekly, sometimes a couple of times a week. It depends.
  • peachyfuzzle
    peachyfuzzle Posts: 1,122 Member
    Personally, I also weigh myself right directly in the morning, and once right before bed. I consider my morning weight to be my actual weight, and the night weight for fun just because I enjoy watching number trends.
  • EMTFreakGirl
    EMTFreakGirl Posts: 597 Member
    edited November 2014
    I am a dedicated Daily Weigher, for all the reasons mentioned above, HOWEVER, I can be a bit obsessive, so I've joined a challenge "No Scale November" and won't be weighing until Dec 1st. I was starting to twitch a bit, seeing the scale taunting me from it's corner in the bathroom, so it now is on a vacation....in the trunk of my car. :)

    I have new ways to measure each day though, for sure. I have a collection of vintage cocktail dresses and evening gowns. I try one, or more, of them on each night...and they are fitting better. I also have big travel plans for January to see my significant other (he's currently deployed overseas and we are getting a long weekend together :) ) I have some new 'pretties' for the trip and I try those on every couple days. Loving how they are fitting, and looking, better each time. Who needs a scale? (alright, I DO!!! but I am enjoying this freedom month.) Can't wait to see the month-worthy number in December!
  • Jesssamesssa
    Jesssamesssa Posts: 116 Member

    Ok, so I'm big, large, BBW, whatever you want to call me, but the simpleness of it all is I'm fat. Lots of reasons why, but, there it is we won't dwell. I lost 15 pounds in a very short amount of time, but the scale stopped. Now it seems to me, that if I weigh myself in the morning, I'm lighter vs before bed. But it seems like that scale is looking at me all the time, taunting me... So now if I gain a pound (I know it's probably water weight) I start to over think it, then maybe the next day I'm down a pound (whew relief) ... so tell me how often you weigh yourself and maybe why. Oh and feel free to add me as a friend.


    Well, I only weigh myself in the mornings. EVERY MORNING. Its your truest weight. I gain 2-4 lbs a day by eating and drinking a crap ton of water.
  • peachyfuzzle
    peachyfuzzle Posts: 1,122 Member
    I wonder if anyone has ever figured out the exact weight of a "crap ton"...
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Every morning, same time, place and same bat channel.
  • Solar07
    Solar07 Posts: 83 Member
    I am a dedicated Daily Weigher, for all the reasons mentioned above, HOWEVER, I can be a bit obsessive, so I've joined a challenge "No Scale November" and won't be weighing until Dec 1st. I was starting to twitch a bit, seeing the scale taunting me from it's corner in the bathroom, so it now is on a vacation....in the trunk of my car. :)

    I'm an obsessive weigher too, everyday - 1st thing in AM after bathroom, and must be naked. Going to try this "No Scale November" starting in the morning. Even if its only for a couple more weeks. Thanks for the challenge.
  • corpseskank1
    corpseskank1 Posts: 24 Member
    I weigh every morning when I get up, before I've eaten breakfast. I don't focus on the number it shows, though - I add it to MFP's graph and look at the trend line, taking into account the past week or two. Draw an imaginary straight line through all the points - if it's going down or holding steady, great! Your weight fluctuates wildly, though, so if you stare at each day's and only compare it to yesterday's, you're going to be bummed a lot.

    I also skip weighing for the week before my period and the first few days of my period. I find that during this time I tend to gain, then suddenly lose a few pounds during my actual period, which just all feels like a big fat nope. So I start up again as my period tapers off and go right back to each morning and looking at the graph. :)
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    I weigh on Saturday morning. Always in the morning because some weight has evaporated overnight, and some has disappeared in other ways. Actually, I also weigh Friday night because I don't want to be surprised on Saturday morning. It's nice to look at the scale the next morning and see that it dropped even more.
  • PokeyBug
    PokeyBug Posts: 482 Member
    edited November 2014
    I wonder if anyone has ever figured out the exact weight of a "crap ton"...

    Yes, it's actually 250 kilos more than a metric ton, so that would make it 1,250 kilos, or just over 2,755 lbs. ;)

    NSDM (op) - I weigh myself in the morning before I work out, in the morning after I work out, and then I eat. And I don't weigh myself again, because the scale will lie from that moment forward. I honestly don't even know why I do it in the mornings, since I only keep track of my Saturday morning weight. OCD, yes, but I find that it keeps me honest with myself and a bit more on track than when I don't. I don't weigh during my TOM, though, because that would just depress me for no good reason.
  • nonstopdancemom
    nonstopdancemom Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks everyone!
    LTGPSA Posts: 633 Member
    I weigh just about every day; 1st thing in the morning.
  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    Wake, pee, weigh and most importantly record it! (Lots of apps and whatnot)

    As for weighing less in the morning that's normal. The main reason is all night long you are breathing in dry air and exhaling moist air so you are losing a lot of water.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    257_Lag wrote: »
    Wake, pee, weigh and most importantly record it! (Lots of apps and whatnot)

    As for weighing less in the morning that's normal. The main reason is all night long you are breathing in dry air and exhaling moist air so you are losing a lot of water.
    Now that's an interesting thought. I hadn't heard that before. And here I was hoping that my body went into some sort of super metabolic overdrive overnight which causes me to lose a pound or so. :wink:
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Every morning first thing after I use the bathroom. I log it in my phone app to keep track of the trends/fluctuations, and Wednesdays I log to MFP.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Almost every morning. What I try to do is use it to teach myself to see patterns (as others mentioned) and to not take the fluctuations too seriously. I write down my weight every day, but only log it at MFP once a week. I just want to know if the weekly weigh-in day happens to be an outlier. One of my problems when I was gaining lots of weight was that I refused to weigh myself since I knew the number would depress me, and I built this up into a fear of getting on the scale and then an emotional attachment to the weight--down meant happy for hours, up meant down for hours. I wanted to get over that and look at it more clinically, as just a source of information, so that I can use it regularly as a maintenance tool too. And I pretty much have.