Tring to lose 40 pounds by june. Who's with me?

I've found myself struggling with my weight for far too long. When I was younger I couldn't seem to gain any weight but these last few years the weight has just been packing on. I am 191 pounds today. I just cant take it anymore, I am always tired and feeling under the weather, so enough is enough!
In 2011 I lost 30 pounds. I started out as 172 and went down to 140. I know I can do this again. This time I am doing it for me, I want to feel good inside and out. I also want to have a baby but I need to lose some weight for it to happen...
141. Add me?


  • I sure will,,,, and I with you girl. I started at 185 and now I am down to 172. My goal is 150 for a healthy BMI and my height. I am 5'6. so please add me! Looking forward to the encouragement because I can use the help as well.
  • I'm also trying to lose 40 pounds but haven't set a date for it! I'm 270 (5'7) right now and can't stand how bad my shape is. I would love the extra encouragement and friends on here! Feel free to add me!
  • annmb
    annmb Posts: 2
    I'd like to join you. I lost weight when my daughter got married and put it all back on. Now i have some health problems and know walking will help. I'm at 185 having lost 5 lbs since I started again in Sept. Having a June goal sounds promising.
  • That's my goal as well! I was always underweight without trying until my twenties. I've been carrying my last "baby weight" for three years and definitely do better with a group.
  • I don't know what add me means, I'm new to this!
  • You can add me also :). I'm just starting my weight loss/get healthy journey. Looking to shed 40-45lbs by next summer.
  • PBWaffleCakes
    PBWaffleCakes Posts: 900 Member
    I'm looking to shed 35 pounds from Dec - June (It's how I have my plan set up) Looking to lose 70 pounds next year all together. Feel free to add me! I know each and every one of you can do this!
  • annmb
    annmb Posts: 2
    I weighed in this morning and lost 1.5 lbs. i'm trying to take one day at a time and stay positive. I even walked around the house this evening to add a few more steps (440) to my fitbit tracker.