Passion for a healthier me!

Hi there. So some of my family started using this site and have had success so I decided to give it a try! I am a 29 (soon to be 30) year old. I'm single. And I attend cosmetology school. The biggest most important thing in my life is I am an aunt! I have two beautiful nieces. And it is because of them I want to get healthy. I have a long term goal to loose 100+ lb. but more importantly I want to work on my short term goals of potion control, healthier eating habits, and exercise. I hope this site will help with that.


  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member

    sticking to it is the hardest part.. and I feel myself constantly returning to the site, more than facebook haha

    you'll do juuust fine!
  • jaristokes
    Yeah! Good to see you on this site. You will do great. Love you
  • resashake
    WHOOPS !! I posted this in the wrong place .. I'll put it here too!!

    Y A Y Michelley !! WELCOME !! I really hope you like it here. It has opened my eyes to the shocking amounts of calories I was consuming and helped me make different choices that have made me feel and look much healthier and happier .. and maybe even a little sexier. =D SOO glad you decided to join us !! <3
  • jac1976
    jac1976 Posts: 30
    Hello there and a warm welcome, i am a relative newbie too and this site has so far been my saviour! :happy:
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Welcome ! I am going to send you a friends request ! I have lost close to 37 pounds and i have another 70 some more to go ! I am a auntie also to 3 girls and 1 boy ! Thats the reason why i am losing weight is to get healthy for them !