Couch to 5K

His_Kelly Posts: 248
edited September 18 in Fitness and Exercise
Has anyone done the Couch to 5K 9 week program? I just started it this week with the goal of completing a 5 mile race in August. I have never been a runner, but here goes nothing!


  • His_Kelly
    His_Kelly Posts: 248
    Has anyone done the Couch to 5K 9 week program? I just started it this week with the goal of completing a 5 mile race in August. I have never been a runner, but here goes nothing!
  • Cloe
    Cloe Posts: 435
    Never did it, but best of luck! You can do it!:flowerforyou:
  • No, but I have cousins and friends that compete and join those programs.You do become a runner, but I seen over weight runners too (running 5K ,10k..) (everyone is at thier own level). Just remember that the more you practice running your hunger increase too. So eat healthy foods that fill you up and you will be in great shape.
  • lockedcj7
    lockedcj7 Posts: 257 Member
    Check out the thread I started about the plan. I think it's pretty ambitious if you've never run and/or are substantially overweight. I've run many times in the past and I always try to do too much, too soon and end up hurting myself and have to stop. I wanted to start off super slow and the treadmill at my gym wasn't really set up to follow their plan so I modified it to suit myself.

    So far, so good. I'm up to:
    walk 1 min. @ 3.5, 4 min. @ 4.0 then run 18 min. @ 6.3 mph, walk 3 min. @ 4.0 then slow down .5 mph each min. for a grand total of 30 min.

    I can run without pain in my legs and I feel pretty confident that I could jog a 5K at a slower pace at this point. It's still hard work and I can't imagine getting to the point that it's as easy as walking.
  • pam0206
    pam0206 Posts: 700 Member
    BEST OF LUCK! You can do it by August. I have never been a runner and I started on my treadmill last June. I just decided that I WANTED to do it and I've never looked back. I'm one of those short girls (5'3) who just got out of breath thinking about running in high school (oh, the dreaded "mile" in gym.) My advice is to start out slow. I can't run too long on a very high speed, but I have found that 5mph is a decent pace for me. I used to motivate myself by thinking that I would run for 10 min and if I felt like running after that I would. Also, remember it's a 5K, so we're talking 3 miles. YOU CAN DO IT!!!! Good luck. :flowerforyou:

    Are you going to be training outside or on a treadmill (or both?)
  • ohthatbambi
    ohthatbambi Posts: 1,098 Member
    Good for you! I think you can do anything if you set your mind to it!
  • His_Kelly
    His_Kelly Posts: 248
    Are you going to be training outside or on a treadmill (or both?)

    I am going to be training on a treadmill for now. I found a free podcast that takes you through the 9 weeks. It included upbeat music and a voice that tells you when to run and walk. It's like having a personal trainer in your ear! :smile:

    The first week consists of 5 min warmup, 60 sec jog, 90 sec brisk walk (Repeated 6 times) and a 5 min cool down. Then next week, I will start jogging 90 secs,... It seems like something I can handle. After all, it spreads out the training for 9 weeks,

    My fiance always runs a 5 mile race in august. I thought it would be wonderful if I could run it with him (or MAYBE, possibly, beat him---- although that is not likely. :laugh: But hey, a girl can dream, right?
  • It's easy as some others have said to over do it at the start and then you feel bad and don't continue.

    Start that program as it is pretty reasonable (if you are not too overweight or too sedentary right now); if you are you can do as Lockedcj7 said to do, modify the program to take it easier.

    You will probably find that you will start running more and walking less than the program indicates for you to do but at least stick with it for the first two weeks to keep you healthy and get you started.


    Remember have GOOD running shoes: your shoes shouldn't be older than 6 months either (even though mine are :embarassed: ). Insoles are a great idea too as they reduce a lot of stress on your body too.

    For us "older" folks (40+, I'm 41 now) joints and things start making themselves heard, and its better to start taking care of them.

  • barefootbabe
    barefootbabe Posts: 271 Member
    I've done it, and it was fine. Just be sure to never miss a day as you will fall behind and it will get really hard to catch up! Good luck . . .
  • I did the couch to 5k about six months ago...I was never a runner so I was very skeptical in my abilities. But I did complete it! I could hardly believe it that I was running for 30 minutes considering the first week with only 60 seconds I was sucking air big time. My husband is getting motivated to get in shape so he wants to do it too. We are going to run a 5k in May.

    You can definitely do it!! Good luck and keep us filled in!
  • aslavich
    aslavich Posts: 250 Member
    You all are so motivating!!!
    Last year my goal was to run my yearly 10k, a turkey trot and a 1/2 marathon.

    I ran the 10k, I ran on Thanksgiving but I sold my ticket for the 1/2 marathon... : (

    I just started working out again yesterday. Day 2 and I feel great!!! I've been running on the treadmill for 25 minutes after a 5 minute warmup.

    If I can do it, anyone can!!!
    Angela :flowerforyou:
    TRLTAMPA Posts: 824
    I just printed the plan and I'm about to do it. For anyone else who wants it message me. It won't past in this box. I can send it to you.....or you can find it online at
  • may_marie
    may_marie Posts: 667 Member
    nice to see that it works !!

    im going back home next month and i asked my mom if she wanted to join in with me ... im not so worried about myself ... im starting to be pretty fit so i dont think i'll have a really hard time at the start.
    but mom is 55 and a bit overweight .. she is asthmatic too.. last year she was good with going to the gym aobut twice a week... so maybe she'll be fine.. i know that if she does it she will really be proud of herself .. maybe next summer we can be runners !! .
  • pparker2214
    pparker2214 Posts: 64 Member
    I did the first workout yesterday!!! it was fun!! I'm so excited and I love having a progressive workout program it makes workingout seem worth something.. I usually just feel like I'm counting down the 30 min clock.. Good Luck everyone..
  • mags06
    mags06 Posts: 29
    I am on week 4 of couch to 5K. I have ran on and off for the past 8 years but I had not been running a whole lot before I started. The first couple of weeks weren't too bad. I am feeling better and better as I continue to run longer.

    You can do it!! There have been a couple of days were I just don't feel like running or sticking exactly to the plan so I just do what I can.

    Good luck!
  • DjBliss05
    DjBliss05 Posts: 682
    I started couch to 5k a few weeks ago...

    apparently I am much closer to the couch than the 5k!!

    Anyone else realize they couldn't complete step 1?!

    I really, really want to do a 5k in July but for now I think I have to stick to the elliptical until I get a little better with the cardio and a few more pounds off. However, I did run for a minute and was pretty impressed with myself for even doing that!
    TRLTAMPA Posts: 824
    I just did the first exercise. I started off thinking it was gonna be easy, but then by the 3rd round of jogging I realized how unhealthy I am. I did finish it, and I feel great. I got a good boost of energy at the end. I am having a trouble with my shins hurting as I jog. Hoping as the booty shrinks, this won't be a problem. Also probably gonna invest in a better pair of shoes.

    Edit::: interesting side note -- I had a major coughing fit at the end of the jog. I don't smoke, never have. Wonder why I'm coughing? Parts of my lung I haven't used in a while? lol
    TRLTAMPA Posts: 824
    I just finished week 1 exercise 2 and I still feel great.
  • debuckl
    debuckl Posts: 360 Member
    I did it! I started May of last year and was able to complete a 5k in July. I was slow but I ran the whole thing. Before that I hadn't run in about 10 years and was approximately 50 lbs overweight.

    One thing to think about is running outside is much more difficult than running on a treadmill, so make sure you run outside at least a while before racing.
    TRLTAMPA Posts: 824
    I'm doing mine outside on an uneven road. So I'm crosstraining lol. I've planned my weeks out to actually do 4 exercises instead of 3 cuz I think I'm gonna need a little more help at first.
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