Roadmap Calorie Help

I need some help/recommendations for my roadmap calories.

I know the roadmap works as it worked for me before, but life happened (baby, work, etc.) and I need to get back on track.

I know the basics like "no added exercise calories" and "don't eat below your current BMR." I ran the calculations and for a middle ground goal weight (my ultimate goal weight puts my calories below current BMR so my weight-loss needs to be two steps). My current BMR is 1790. The numbers for sedentary are 1840, lightly active 2108, and moderately active 2376.

Before the baby (he is 6 months) I ran a 5k every day and did light weight training 3 times a week (moderately active). Now, I am currently sedentary but am hoping to get back to 3 workouts a week (lightly active).

I have 3 questions....

1. I am breastfeeding so I am supposed to have an extra 500 calories a day. Does that mean my current BMR is actually 2290 (1790 + 500)?

2. Should I be adding 500 to my goal weight calories (2340, 2608, 2876)?

3. Lastly, which calorie level should I choose? Right now I am the epitome of sedentary, but I want to get to lightly active. Sooo, should I set it at sedentary (which I am) or lightly active (which I WANT to be)?


  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    1. It doesn't really matter if you add it to your BMR or to your activity, your calories burned per day is still 500 higher than normal. But for MFP calorie tracking, it probably makes more sense to add it to your daily activity.
    2. Yes
    3. Set it at sedentary and then add any activities that don't fit the sedentary description as exercise.
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    Awesome! Thank you!