How long did it take you?

I'm working on my last 10-15 pounds (at least, I think I am. Not sure what my goal weight is. All I know is that I'm 5'1", 124 lbs, and still have quite a belly). It's going TERRIBLY slow. Is this normal? I know everyone is different, but it's hard to stay motivated when you don't have any kind of timeline to go by.


  • cookmtn
    cookmtn Posts: 156 Member
    I have heard the last lbs are very slow going. Search for a post: lean women trying to get leaner.
  • cookmtn
    cookmtn Posts: 156 Member
    This is it: Relatively light people trying to get leaner
  • nrheasley
    nrheasley Posts: 78 Member
    Found it! I liked her suggestion of so many calories per pound. I've been playing with TDEE, but I think my numbers are too high.
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    Don't know yet. I'll tell ya when I get there, lol. Seriously though, I'm looking at losing the last 5 pounds ("maybe" 10, but no more). I fully expect it to take 6 months to a year.

    Not that anything is "magical" about these 5 pounds, it's just that my focus is more on body composition, not the scale number, so I eat very slightly below maintenance, lift heavy things, and wait. If you're in the same boat, aesthetically speaking, patience, accuracy, and consistency is what will transform you, eventually. Good luck!
  • AOdell79
    AOdell79 Posts: 94 Member
    Hi! I am 5 feet tall and 117 lbs. I think your cals might be a little high. I checked out your diary. My maintenance cals are just about 1700 and I'm only an inch and a few pounds smaller. For me to lose about 1 lb per week I try to net on average 1400/day or less. Maybe think about adjusting the cals down?
  • mrsmcmo
    mrsmcmo Posts: 109 Member
    That's what I've heard, however it hasn't been too bad getting down to my almost-new-goal weight. First gw was 115lbs and I hit that relatively easily. Second gw was 112, and that too, wasn't bad but here was the problem - I got tired of eating so low cal (I was only eating 1200 for about a month), I was getting really irritable, feeling tired very often, didn't have a whole lot of energy to work out anymore, and after awhile 1200 just didn't agree with me anymore. So I started upping my calories and now I'm at about 113 on 1450. I now have a third gw, which is 110-111 so I anticipate it taking me a little while to get there on this "higher" number of calories, but it'll happen. Hang in there, you will get to your goal. :)
  • 365andstillalive
    365andstillalive Posts: 663 Member
    With so little to lose, it will take a while. The recommendation from most people that you'll see is to lose 0.5-0.75lbs per week at this point, so really only creating a 200-250 calorie deficit per day.

    It's really easy to eat away that deficit if you aren't using a food scale, or if you've over estimated your overall activity level.

    Take a look at your overall trends; are you losing? If you aren't, chances are you're eating a little too close to maintenance. If you are losing and are in the 0.5-0.75lb range, you're pretty on par.

    Also, weight isn't everything; if you've still got a good sized belly, it's likely from high body fat. You should consider adding some strength training to your routine, even if it's just body weight exercises. The more LBM you have, the more calories you can eat without gaining.

    I'm in the transition to the last 10-15lbs right now myself, and it is slow, and that can make it frustrating, but think of the changes you've already seen in your body and how much better and healthier you likely feel. I don't expect to reach my goal until March/April of 2015.
  • EvaL01
    EvaL01 Posts: 8 Member
    edited November 2014
    I'm working on my last 10 lbs and slowly getting there. I usually lose 1 lb per week not more. My goal weight is 110 lbs. This Youtube video gives some good tips on losing the last few pounds:

    How to Lose the Last 10 Pounds - Break Through Plateau -

    If you haven't figured out a healthy goal weight these links might help:

    Weight Watchers: What's a healthy weight for you?

    Calculate Your Body Mass Index
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Don't know yet. I'll tell ya when I get there, lol. Seriously though, I'm looking at losing the last 5 pounds ("maybe" 10, but no more). I fully expect it to take 6 months to a year.

    Not that anything is "magical" about these 5 pounds, it's just that my focus is more on body composition, not the scale number, so I eat very slightly below maintenance, lift heavy things, and wait. If you're in the same boat, aesthetically speaking, patience, accuracy, and consistency is what will transform you, eventually. Good luck!

    I can't wait until I'm in this position. I'm estimating another 20ish lbs to go, and I am not patient enough to go the super slow route yet :p

    Otherwise, I've lost 23ish lbs since June... 6th? so 4-5lbs a month if averaged out. I'll be switching to 15% deficit though in another 5-10lbs probably, and then 10% deficit for the last 5-10lbs. At which point I'm hoping I'll be oka with the slow loss since I'll probably be looking pretty decent anyways!