What The Hell?

I have been keeping to the calorie count & staying above starvation mode, & i gained more than I started with. WTF? I can't weight for my personal trainer to give me my new diet.


  • chunkymonkeylass
    I have been keeping to the calorie count & staying above starvation mode, & i gained more than I started with. WTF? I can't weight for my personal trainer to give me my new diet.
    I'm excersizing every chance I get.really.!? WTF!
  • Ash10Dent
    Ash10Dent Posts: 75
    You could be gaining muscle..are you eating your exercise calories? If not then you're probably not getting enough food.
  • cupfanncbms
    cupfanncbms Posts: 101
    My daughter just had her first weigh/measure day since she started the lifestyle change with me, and she is actually up five pounds. BUT! She is down over an inch from her waist, two inches from each thigh, an inch from her butt, and half inch changes elsewhere. She was down two whole % points of body fat too!

    It isn't always about the numbers. :) Lots of things can set the scale amiss... a good workout the day before can create a lot of microtears in muscles-to which the body's response is water retention for one.

    I know my daughter has been rockin' the elliptical with me and eating MUCH better than she was, so I told her to pay more attention to the inches than the scale. I offer the same to you. ;)
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    You're already quite thin. I'm sure, at this point, it's more fine-tuning than anything. It will be a bit of trial and error but you can do it! Good luck!
  • gameovergt
    gameovergt Posts: 502
    You know what a NSV is? Non Scale Victory. Trust yourself, clothes, or mirror.
  • disneydancer
    What do you mean by eating your exercise calories? Should we be eating those too? I'm new to this so any advice is extremely helpful. :)
  • Ash10Dent
    Ash10Dent Posts: 75
    you need to have a net calorie intake of 1200 calories at least a day or your body goes into starvation mode. So lets say you eat your 1200 calories but then burn 400 calories exercising..that brings you down to 800 calories so you'll then eventually go into starvation mode. I don't eat ALL of my calories back but I make sure to eat at least half of my exercise calories back. If not you'll just go into starvation mode and gain back and then some!
  • MrsBrit2007
    MrsBrit2007 Posts: 161
    I gained weight as well when I started with MFP, and I attributed that to gaining muscle. I know my body, and I know that I gain really bulky muscle at the beginning, and then I start to lose the fat. Sure enough, I've started losing weight rapidly this last week. (I was stuck with only a 3lb loss for a whole month.) In the last 1.5 weeks, I'm down another 3lbs.

    Make sure to eat your calories and drink plenty of water. Also, measure yourself. I have lost 7.5 inches overall since starting with MFP, and that has helped keep me encouraged along the way.

    Good luck! :)
  • chunkymonkeylass
    actually ash Yes I have beeen eating my excersize calories but I thought I was sposed to do that:indifferent:
  • chunkymonkeylass
    thank you cup, i will start watching the measuring tape, thoi the scale is much easier to watch lol:flowerforyou:
  • chunkymonkeylass
    thank you game & mckay as well. every possitive word helps. I actually find myself extremely hungry but ill open another disscussion for that
  • wewon
    wewon Posts: 838 Member
    Sounds like someone's been gaining some muscles!!